To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Irizarry

At first glance this looks like a picture by 'Sean', there are similarities both in the drawing line and facial characteristics.

However, when you put an example of Sean's art alongside, as I have here, the differences are readily apparent and you can see that Irizarry has a greater command of his craft.
The foreground is shaded in a most sophisticated way, the facial detail is convincing and the use of perspective for the body is ambitious and successful. The result is a little bit 'staged' however and this looks like a pretty friendly encounter despite the bondage.

Sean's picture scores more highly for drama and eroticism - despite the humorous overtones (which I suppose are rooted in politically incorrect stereotypes in this day and age). I don't have many pictures by Irizarry or know very much about him but on this picture alone he is worth a mention.

I have no website information for this artist.

For earlier posts in this series click on the A-Z label below

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Kobaro

I originally posted the artist under the name 'ie' but a reader has now identified him as Kobaro. I wanted to include him as an example of Japanese comic art which is firmly focussed on adult males.

These pictures show men, often big men, captured and under threat. The drawing style has a sort of exaggerated, almost carved appearance which is very 3-dimensional. Interestingly, the bondage detail doesn't seem to capture this effect, there isn't a strong sense of tightness or indentation of the flesh. There is a sense of drama and emotion conveyed by facial expressions, flying perspiration and the close placing of the characters in relation to each other. Of course the eyes and bared teeth are stock stylisations anchoring the pictures in the comic realm but much of the drawing is more representational.

In the knife attack picture the attention to detail in the clothing is fascinating and you could not have a better example of clothes being used to add detail to characters and situations. In fact this picture is chillingly convincing if you study it. The captives over-large eyes are another example of exaggerated size conveying youthfulness and innocence but the craggy jaw and muscular neck affirm his adulthood so there is no ambiguity about age here.

I have no website information for this artist but a search on his name will turn up plenty of examples.

For earlier posts in this series click on the A-Z label below

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Letter 'I' - Iceman

After the riches of the letter 'H' we're on slightly different rations for 'I'. I have picked out Iceman, 'ie', Irizarry and Iwao. Virtually every one of these poses an identity issue of one sort or another so there may turn out to be very few entries indeed if my identification is mistaken!

IcemanIceman uses the classic comic style to show typical comic heroes in conflict with typical comic baddies. It's the captivity situations which are atypical! In the pictures which I have collected the hero is young, muscular and handsome whilst the enemy seem barely human except for basic anatomy. The superhero genre is not particularly alluring to me ( although I lusted after Superman in my youth). For this reason I don't claim exhaustive knowledge of this artist (and indeed am not 100% sure that this name is just one artist) but I have shown a couple of his heroes here.

I particularly like The Barbarian tied to his horse, a highly erotic image and not simply because of the novel seating arrangement. The twisted body pose cleverly shows both rear and frontal curves and the artist has used the lightest of shading to turn those curves into voluptuous 3D surfaces. The accessories – gag, gauntlets and thigh boots – throw additional emphasis onto the man's muscular limbs and nudity invoking a high level of sexual interest but without any sense of 'over-egging' the cake. Meanwhile, the minimal but delightfully awkward bondage and the rearing horse create a sense of danger and excitement, the whole picture is full of action.
As with Fillion's snake picture (see letter F), I marvel at the ability of comic artists like this to use apparently simple techniques to create such powerful, memorable images. Of course the muscular horse, like the sensuous snake, brings his own sexual persona to the party.

In the second picture the effect is not so great, the scene is less convincing, but this is one of a tryptich and the interest lies in the developments from scene to scene which you can probably guess from the clues in picture 1. I like the ripped briefs and chunky boots, reminiscent of moon-boots. The cartoon device of exaggerating the size of certain body parts - like feet – adds a boyish dimension to the character. This has a direct appeal to most people on a subconscious level but in a sexual context can be quite disturbing. Iceman avoids that trap fortunately.
I don't recommend the web address on the pictures as it seems to have been hijacked. There's a blog at iceman blogger and a selection of his pictures at

For earlier posts in this series click on the A-Z label below

Monday, 10 August 2009

Mitchmen A-Z of Fetish Artists

The next series of postings will be a continuation of my series reviewing favourite fetish artists. This will cover Artists with names beginning with 'I'

Friday, 7 August 2009

Muscle and Rope Postscript - Thong Model in Bondage

Having raided the image archives of numerous studios, this is Mitchell's take on the Muscles and Rope theme. My model is in the simplest form of bondage and is wearing backless briefs which, for some strange reason, always seem to be sexier when seen from the side than from the back.
. Mitchell - Muscle and Rope

Young man, short hair, Mitchman....yum!

Muscle and Rope - 25

I conclude this series by returning to the studio which is producing some of the most exciting male bondage images on the internet, Bound Gods and it's creative genius Van Darkholme.
These pictures of tied up bodybuilders are simple compositions but so erotically charged and in their own way artistically satisfying.

Rope is tightly bound round the subjects where it is not really needed for the purpose of restraint but it serves to shape and highlight erotic areas like the pecs and thighs.
What I particularly like about these images is that they are so clean. Not only is the photography crisp and well lit, the backrounds are uncluttered by distracting domestic or dungeon paraphenalia and coloured to display the model's bodies to advantage.
Simply excellent.

You can see limited pictures at the site above, but Mr Kristofer regularly features sample pictures which link to trailers (films and stills)

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Muscle and Rope - 24

By special request of one of my readers I present Roger Marvik of Hard Heroes - a very big man! The noose like motif is quite erotic for those who like black forbidden fantasies but basically muscle here is totally in charge of the senses.
The straining chest above and the submissive pose below is quite a nice combination. Imaginations go!

Hard Heroes features superheroes in tight lycra. There are some pictures on the site - the imagery is a bit fanciful unless you are into that genre. There are also pictures on the Can-Am site - see No 19 in this series for info about accessing Can Am pics.