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Message updated 14th July 2024

Thursday 13 August 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Irizarry

At first glance this looks like a picture by 'Sean', there are similarities both in the drawing line and facial characteristics.

However, when you put an example of Sean's art alongside, as I have here, the differences are readily apparent and you can see that Irizarry has a greater command of his craft.
The foreground is shaded in a most sophisticated way, the facial detail is convincing and the use of perspective for the body is ambitious and successful. The result is a little bit 'staged' however and this looks like a pretty friendly encounter despite the bondage.

Sean's picture scores more highly for drama and eroticism - despite the humorous overtones (which I suppose are rooted in politically incorrect stereotypes in this day and age). I don't have many pictures by Irizarry or know very much about him but on this picture alone he is worth a mention.

I have no website information for this artist.

For earlier posts in this series click on the A-Z label below

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