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A man lounges on a commercial trolley dreaming absently, as if bored.
He's completely naked, apart from sports socks and chunky trainers.
His legs are wide open, shamelessly displaying his cock and dark recess.
Balanced a tiny yellow platform, it's as if his manhood is being offered on a plate.
He is waiting for his buyer to come for collect him.
For this is the checkout of the 'Cash and Carry' of male serfdom.
He doesn't come with a name and the outlet didn't give him one.
I call him Luke.
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Luke stretches languidly flexing his muscles as a customer walks by,
He knows the sheen of display oil on his body catches the lights
and likes the way it makes them look at him - and at his groin.
They're sizing him up, but he's already spoken for,
the buyer is completing his leasing arrangement close by.
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Luke isn't tied up or fettered like a slave, he's free to get up and stretch.
But he can't just walk out of this secure warehouse, not even naked.
But that's about his contract, not imprisoning him against his will.
These days, serf labourers, as they are now called, don't want to escape,
they get an up-front fee and their conditions are fair and governed by law.
They submit themselves to serfdom by choice, knowing the score.
Luke gets up and stretches his muscles which have stiffened up sitting so long,
He turns and squats on the trolley, flexing his back and legs,
also flirtatiously presenting his back and ass to an approaching group of buyers.
Luke has a beast of a back and they stop and watch him, marvelling at it
At this end of the market, few of them are looking for a lap dog or sexual servant,
They are more likely to imagine him before them in the traces, pulling the plough share,
licking his back with the whip occasionally to drive him straight and narrow.
(Oh yes, you can do that under the standard contract, Luke knows the score)
This is a wonderful image, such a shame it's not in colour,
it inspired one of my pictures in The Lost Patrol series, 'Luke in the Can' (Part of a series that also lost it's way some time back! But one day!)
If you'd passed Luke in the street in the days before he went into service,
You might have given the man casually leaning against the wall a second glance.
Big, muscled, loitering in skimpy shorts, just out of the gym perhaps.
You might even have looked at those massive thighs and thought woof!
But the scruffy clothes, the fleshy face, the stubble, the hard look?
Maybe not.
Casual, hard. Luke cuts the same challenging figure in the saleroom
Out of his clothes, it's obvious he's carrying too much weight
But that's his niche, he's a heavy worker, priced by the kilo.
He'll shed some of it once they put him to work, that's called depreciation.
If he had cut muscles or a pretty face he'd be in a swanky sale up West.
But those qualities don't last either.
Take me or leave me. That's his style.
He's still obliged to shape up for interested parties though.
Putting on whatever poses they want from him, answering their questions
while the salesman does his patter, listing his skills and considerable experience.
The clients examine him, experienced fingers assessing his muscle tone and conditioning
He waits for their hands to land on his thighs and linger there (they all do that).
Some pass remarks about his untidy body hair.
"You can shave me if you want", he might challenge them.
It sorts out time-wasters sometimes or makes a connection
Of course, they can do whatever they want - once he belongs to them.
Some buyers do it as soon as they've paid for their purchase,
shaving the serf's body bare, there and then, in the busy, checkout hall.
Because they can.
If he's told to turn and face the wall, Luke knows they're interested.
He cuts a much better figure in that perspective too,
He likes to hear them say 'Wow!' or give low whistles of appreciation.
The salesman usually puts in some bull about impressing their friends.
Now his back will be subjected to tactile examination
It usually takes longer if they are serious about buying.
The longer it takes them to reach his ass crack, the more genuine they are.
But they all finish up there.
Luke always says it's OK to touch it, but speaks as if it isn't.
Luke knows the score, he'll give it up if the client wants it,
but his reluctance is a sweetener, often it clinches the bargain.
His show of reluctance leads naturally into considerations of discipline
The clients want to know how the prospective serf reacts to chastisement
The law says it must be non-damaging, on the back or the ass.
That doesn't mean it can't be painful, of course.
The client must pay an insurance fee if he wants a try out.
A short session allows serf and master to gauge their compatibility.
The showroom has a selection of suitable implements to hand.
Luke's style is to acknowledge the blows without dramatics.
After he waits for the touch between the legs that almost invariably follows.
Wanting to know if it will be aggressive, gloating or gently reassuring.
Luke has his needs too.
Quite often the client will just walk away at this point
Attracted to the bull, but unsure about their ability to manage him.
Some never of them intended to buy, Luke can usually spot them,
they just like browsing through men who want to be bought.
It makes them feel powerful.
It's been a long wait for Luke and it's getting chilly in the showroom.
The doors are being opened for clients leaving with their purchases.
Some look at Luke sadly as they pass, thinking he's been left on the shelf.
Luke himself is wondering if there's some problem with his paperwork.
But it's reassuring to him that the client cares enough to check it thoroughly.
He'd rather be in a secure position, not returned under the money back guarantee.
By the time the client and salesman reappear, Luke's gotten quite grumpy.
A man with greasy hands just tried to fluff him and it's left him in a state.
One that delights the client, fortunately.
The salesman explains that the client has asked if he can take an option for life.
This means that after a probationary period his lease on Luke can be converted
by mutual agreement to renew automatically for the rest of their lives.
Luke has to give his initial consent to this arrangement.
He looks at the client hard, reviewing what he knows.
He's rich and spanks with a vengeance
He looks OK and has a gentle touch where it matters.
It's a tempting offer........
These images were published in Zipper back in the 80's and I rediscovered them recently while browsing through my scrapbooks and digitising them. His looks are quite unprepossessing in some ways, but obviously I was attracted to his animal bulk and masculinity back then, Those feelings were renewed while preparing this article. Woof!