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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Milking Factories 15

Sarander - Milk Farm 2

Sarander actually calls this a Milk Farm but it meets all the requirements for inclusion in the mitchmen Milking Factory series. There are multiple milk producers being extracted by machines in a uniform manner. If you look closely, it even has orderly production lines, which isn't  always the case. Some of the men have their heads encased in helmets which may be punishment devices, but if this is a more enlightened employer*, they could be providing sensory experiences for males who don't get excited by watching other men being pumped out. (*I use the word employer in the sense of using, as in 'employing a tool', I don't suppose for a minute that these men are being paid!)

At the back a couple of new arrivals are being manoeuvred into their places on the line by robots, an admirable investment in keeping the line clinically free from contamination. It also avoids unseemly struggles with operatives within sight of the other beasts while connecting them up. Judging by the look on the face of the nearest one it's a sensible precaution. Another robot (right foreground) seems to be carrying out a quality control check, or it could be an on-the-spot pasteurisation using heat treatment.

These owners have obviously chosen to extract from both mature and younger plums. If they have perfected the ancient art of blending juices then a refined and complex palate pleaser may await us in the tasting room after our tour of the shop floor. Of course you may prefer to avoid sampling their produce on the premises, there's a rumour going round that likely lads are sometimes 'recruited' that way by adding a little extra to their glasses - and it looks like age is not a bar to serving either.

Sarander often shows aliens in images like this, beam me up, Scotty! None are visible here but it's certainly an unconventional, psychedelic sort of environment. Of course that may just be highly sophisticated form of conditioning, perhaps to convince the subjects that they are in a nightclub with the man of their dreams lurking somewhere in the crowd.

Sarander - Milk Farm 1

This earlier variant of the image seems only to differ in the lack of an extraction device for the young man at the front and also in the overall colour treatment.

 I have featured a Sarander milking picture here briefly before in an end of year Hit Survey. He 's done a lot of images in this vein and this is one of the best I have seen. 

I can't locate a site for him, info from you via comments is welcome


Read The Milking Factory series from the start

click on the 'milking' label below for more milking situations

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