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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Bondage Art by Bud, The Smithy

Another slant on the cowboy theme by Bud. 
Bud was active in the 70's, usually producing 1-off cartoons for gay magazines. 
This strip is more a ambitious story combining humour with extremely sexy artistry.

1. Cheeky Comment

A great study of a hairy torso sets us off on the right foot
The finger and devilish grin from his apprentice is just asking for trouble

2. Rugby Tackle

A nice sense of  motion and another sexy torso depiction, 
this time of the young man's arched body, 
suddenly his jeans have opened and dropped
His look of surprise is priceless

3. Tied Up

A sexy conjunction of crotch and ass crack
It's hard to tell if the young man is liking this or suffering.

4. Stripped Naked

Getting the jeans off but not the boots first might entail some rip and strip.
Their owner looks spaced out anyway, puckering up for a kiss?

5. Hot Iron

The bottom up is usually the preparation for sexy fun
or he might have expected a fatherly spank for his cheek.
This hot development seems to have confused and deflated him.
The Smith looks focussed and determined.

6. Branded

Chastened but seemingly ready for more.

Bud makes light of this fearsome S&M rite in less genteel times, 
but don't try this at home! 


This strip appeared in Larry Townsend's 'Leatherman's Workbook'

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