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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 24 January 2020

The Russians are Coming - 4

Read this series from Part 1
 If you subscribe to the view that all men are bad boys, 
then you will approve of the outcomes at Russian Captured Guys.
Which involve demonstrations of capitulation and submissiveness

Bodybuilder Danilo bows his head to the floor 
giving a nice shot of the wrist restraint he is fitted with.

The 'New Employee's' nightmarish induction day, breaks for lunch.
The canteen is considerately fitted with knee-friendly carpeting,
But his learning curve now involves the acquiring of new eating skills
and woe betide the man who spills his food or leaves any in the bowl!

Andrei discovers that the meals come in generous portions
but it's best not to complain to the waiter about quality.

Roman gets detention, but what trainer could be remain unsatisfied
if he's given a demonstration of submissive muscle like this?

 This model will miss lunch too, his restraint arrangements
demand a long period of unbroken concentration


It's hard to show submissiveness in this position but he gives it a good shot,
or perhaps he's just regretting not finding out what 'Shibari Shoot' meant.
(to be fair, it doesn't usually mean this type of restraint)


Vasily's training is also over-running, some trainers are sticklers for the finer points.
His dodgy underwear seems to have been symptomatic of a wider malaise.

But there's no finer reward for a trainer than when his man finally 'gets it'. 
This total submission means Vasily can now be rewarded with a pat on the back
 and some canteen left-overs, if he's quick.

Vitaly, on the other hand is the perfect trainee.
He has a marvellous physique with good shoulders-back posture,
but he does like his food and he can smell it cooking.

 Some masters can be very hard to please,
but obedience with bring this boy through in the end.


But it looks like naughty Maxim is still being persuaded
and discovering the finer points of posture training.
But there's still time, Maxim, there's time.
Which means no lunch at all for you today

Read this series from Part 1
See also Plumber wedged

The Russian Captured Boys site provides a limited free archive of their most recent offerings.
There's a good retrospective collection of Russian Captured Boys highlights at Metalbondnyc

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