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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 27 January 2020

Mitchell's Fetish Art for January - A Jogger Detained

Mitchell - Jogger Detained
I have published this picture before at the mitchmen Yahoo! Group
but its one of my favourites so I make no apology for bringing it here!

In general joggers making their way along deserted streets attract little attention.
In my locale, they are usually clad for comfort and convenience not style.
Their physical attributes by and large are pretty average, as you would expect.

But every so often there's a cracker who turns out in his best gear.
Men who like men crowd to their windows when he's due to pass by.
Cars make U-turns and follow him, occupants wistfully speculating.
The possibilities are endless!

This picture has an inter-generational flavour 
but the young man shown is comfortably 'over age' 


In it's previous incarnation this picture formed the opening scene of my Olympic Sketchbook for the London Olympics in 2012 when I titled it as "The Olympic Torch Makes a Detour". The accompanying story describes how a runner carrying the Torch as part of the country-wide relay gets diverted from the planned route and detained by a local resident who fancies him.

I have just re-issued the Olympic Sketchbook series of 13 pictures with narratives as a PDF.
You can view and download it free at the Mitchmen Club (at Adonis Male)
All my series and published images can be found there now.

for more pictures by Mitchell at this blog click on the 'mitchpix' label below
or visit the Gallery Hub Tab

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