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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Hunk Hunt - Mitch Colby 9

Mitch's career in erotic wrestling  continues up to 2015 at least, as far as I have been able to discover. In a couple of these later bouts he's matched against young, slender men which I confess are less interesting to me on the whole than the hunky brutes I focussed on in the last episode, but they do still produce some interesting moments.

We've seen a goodly ration of bulge nuzzling already in this series of articles and Mitch Colby's orange trunks too, but away from the centre of attention in this image it's Rafe Sanches' slender, lightly-sculpted waist and skimpy trunks that makes this picture sing. It's an inviting unattended sight that fires the lustful imagination. That's what young men are meant to bring to the party of course.

 Reese Wells (aka Brody Hancock on other Wrestling sites) has a baby face that belies his wild film persona. This is a great image in it's own way and the hold is normally a favourite of mine, but I find that visual imbalance between the older, bigger man and his lightweight junior in this piece rather disconcerting.  I'm happy to see a bigger man being ground down into submission but it seems a bit too uneven here. Mitch's apparent determination to make it hurt (yes I know it's not real!) doesn't really fit with the way I like to see him.

 Reese is allowed his own moments of domination in this video but this image seems to sum up the mismatch quite succintly and the playful way of expressing it is great.

These images from Colby's match with Billy Lodi pose the same issues for me. This backbreaker is supposed to hurt but I'm glad to see Mitch isn't pressing the point on such a frail-looking body.

I do like this picture. Mitch's backside always looks great (even clad in orange) and here, back turned, it seems to express his disdain for a weaker opponent who is simply, embarrassingly trapped by superior strength

 The 'carrying off of the victim' is the ultimate expression of conquest, a moment to savour. But this vanquished opponent here with his ill-fitting trunks and skinny legs looks more like he's being rescued. Sorry Billy!

Christopher Bruce steps in to provide some real man meat in this sexy, jockstrap combo. He's visually inspecting Mitch's pouch close up while simultaneously nudging the big man's rear end with his own bulge. Meanwhile his unattended and exposed rear provides fantasy material for the viewer, just like Rafe's frontage in the first picture above.

This hold is the same as Reese Wells was subjected to above but Rio Garza is older and more muscled and the result is great. You can see the difference if you compare the two lads trunks for shape and fit. Rio's big enough for this test.

He's gets the chance to dominate Mitch as well, this super shot of Mitch's buns being one happy consequence of an otherwise rather puzzling move.

In the end though, Mitch's strength prevails and Rio being the handsome creature that he is, gets to be carted off to be given extra-curricular training of some sort. And he hasn't even broken into a sweat - yet!

Rio wears a distinct air of resignation in this clip!
Look out for his golden butt too. Great stuff.

I'm not a fan of triumphalism and I've described this pose as a cliche elsehwere in this series, but having built up Mitch Colby's heroic credentials over 9 episodes and watched him often suffer a great deal for our pleasure it seems only fair to allow him this salute in parting. This image shows his mature beauty rather well and without undue flattery, while his trunks are equally generous to his manhood.

A true hunk worthy of his place in this series

The End

Once again I want to express my indebtedness to the treasure trove of imagery and thoughtful commentary at 'Neverland' and 'Sidelineland'. My thanks also to BGEast who own the copyright of most of the pictures and will supply you with the videos if you want to find out more. Do visit their site for imagery which you can't find in search engines.
Read this series from the beginning,  Part 1
For other articles in the 'Hunk Hunt' series click on the hunk label below

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love hot cock bulge and tight, round ass in these 'panties' these studs are wearing. Especially "Mr. I'm so sexy in my gold briefs." We all know exactly was gonna happen in that extracurricular, behind the scene action. Gold 'panties' dudes ass is,gonna get a thorough plowing.