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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - XTop

XTop - Bath Spank
This spanking image from the 90's is all I have of this artist and it has a certain charm. The detailing of the background is pretty comprehensive and quite ambitious in places - like the mirror glass effect, the running water and grubby feet soles. I quite like the anxious look towards the bath into which, presumably, the spankee is going to have to immerse his sore backside when the spanking is over.
Sorry I have no links to give you.

 For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)


speedoric said...

X Top used to illustrate Man's Hand * I thk issue independent illusrated stories.

Mitchell said...

Thanks for that info!