To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 17 October 2015

mitchmen search options

 I'm sure I lost them round here somewhere......

I am trying out a new search box for the site (top right)
and would be glad of any feedback from visitors to the blog.

Well they must be in there somewhere, keep looking!
The new option produces a simple text list of posts in response to enquiries.
Occurences in titles are listed first.

In contrast, the Google search in the navigation bar (top),
produces a blog extract replicating each selected post in full.

The new box also searches my other vanilla-ish 'gateway' blog at
which may be useful for artist and model names.

I know you're in there, come on out!

If you prefer Google's search, it sits in the navigation bar at the very top of the blog
 and usually hides behind that annoying cookie message.

 Search me! 
(mmmm yes please!)

You can also conduct some searches by using the labels listed at the foot of each post.
There's a list of labels in the sidebar, but for size reasons this is not a full list.

Finally there's an artist index - tab at the top of the page

If you have difficulty using any of these search options please let me know (preferably via the comments facility) so I can try and sort it out for anyone else who might want to use it. Thanks. 

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