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Thursday, 31 May 2012

A-Z of Fetish Artists - RAM

RAM - Biker 3
I generally omit from this survey those artists whose fetish credentials boil down to leather jackets and little else, but I thought RAM was worth a mention for the quality of his work. You can see the photographic origins of this image and the influence of Lüger (Jim French) in the composition although it must be said that Lüger managed to inject much more eroticism into poses like this. RAM seems to have positioned the cowboy's 'stroking' arm so that it is possible to 'read' it as belonging to the biker (if you can suspend your knowledge of how arms work!). A bit of a strange addition to my 'hidden eroticism' collection.

I don't have a website for RAM - info from readers welcome!
For other articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or use the search box to find a specific artist

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