Paul - Caned in the Pillory
Another one off from my collection. The pillory is an alluring subject for fetish enthusiasts but it's rare to find successful images of it. This simple example works rather well, the device looks realistic and strong enough to restrain a struggling man and keep him in an awkward, vulnerable head-bowed position which is eminently suitable for caning. I like my fetish pictures (even cartoons) to feature red-blooded men, so the baby faced dom is a turn off, but the young captive trapped in the pillory is nicely drawn. His hairy, muscular arms reassure us he's well into manhood but the narrow hips and pert buns capture the lingering, slender, sexy awkwardness of youth. Some might prefer to see more flesh on view but for me his skinny-fit jeans enhance the bottom shape and together with the oversize shoes suggest a rebellious character. He probably deserves what he's getting.

Paul - Reformatory Caning
My thanks to James who responded to my plea for more samples of Paul's work, enabling me to add this extra example which is shows a wider skill set than the pillory scene above. It's full of energy and drama and involves a tricky perspective.
His depiction of clothing with a few simple lines is rather impressive.
I can't find a website for Paul and I would welcome information from readers.
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