Gay bdsm art by 'mitchmen' Mitchell and other artists featuring male erotic sexy fetish, S&M, men tied up, male bondage, domination, humiliation and spanking. Vintage photographs of men in uniform, Royale & Hussar Studios, humourous captions, gay pride articles
To my readers......
Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Nicos
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Nicolas
Nicolas - Highway Capture
The highway capture picture shows a man being hogtied - a moment of subjugation and submission which is very erotic in my view. The captive's spiky tuft of hair and naked torso lend him an air of aggression and unpredictability which somehow enhances his desirability as a capture. The empty road and the setting sun seem to symbolise his isolation and the danger looming.
The style of this drawing is most interesting. The figures are drawn with bold, careless strokes but the depiction of captor's hands and outstretched leg show a command of anatomical proportions. The highlighting of the bodies meticulously accords with the position of the setting sun and is particularly effective on the singlet. The art deco style depiction of the clouds and distant mountains underlines the artistic intelligence.
Nicolas - Skinhead Orgy
The orgy scene is not dressed up in quite the same way, the emphasis is on sensuality not situation. The use of the shaved head for butt rubbing is a novelty! However, the exaggerated boots and bizarre spikes underneath the bench create a similar sense of hidden malice. The enthusiasm of the participants is captured with the help of slight bodily distortions but the same, casual strokes disguise a skill in interweaving bodies which is quite hard to achieve without creating a confusing jumble of limbs. The prominent thick-soled, chunky boots are beautifully depicted and there are a couple of nice hands. In this image, with it's boots, steely, determined faces and blurry, hatched shading, Nicolas almost conjures up the ghost of the artist, Les (see earlier article in this series).
Sorry I don't have a link for Nicolas (any information from readers is welcome)
For other articles in this series click on the 'A-Z' label below
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Art - Naomichi

This is the only work I have by this artist but it's an oustanding one. There is a fairly well known Japanese print which depicts a woman being 'devoured' (in a sexual sense) by an octopus or squid. It's often cited as a classic expression of female desire. This picture develops the dream-like subject in a homoerotic vein but is less inward looking. We cannot see the man's face but the pose suggests acceptance rather passion, his body is covered with weals left by the tentacles in the struggle to avoid this fate and it seems the artist is more interested in his conquest than the sensuality of the embrace.
There was a page of Naomichi's work at Rainbow Arts
but it has disappeared now
(Many thanks to the reader who provided this link)
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Mitchmen A -Z of Fetish Artists - Neil Bruce
Artists usually create black and white images by shading darker areas but this is the reverse technique of 'painting' light areas. It naturally creates atmosphere and dramatic effect, in this case transforming a straightforward captivity cartoon into something rather more interesting. The humourous expression on the chubbie's face for example acquires a manic quality while the moon gleaming mistily suggests a distinctly chilly night for the naked captive.
Neil Bruce - Cuffed
'Cuffed' features another chubby, this time it's a cop prodding his young prisoner towards his fate. This is a more conventional drawing but utilises similar highlighting techniques. The composition cleverly highlights the intimidating bulk of the officer by placing him in the foreground and picking out details like the bull neck, pot belly and shirt tight around arm. His neglected physique suggests we are in a backwater where the sheriff is boss and anything goes. The handcuffed boy is dwarfed by him and quails in naked fear.
Neil Bruce - Fork Lift
'Fork Lift' uses a melodramatic, Hollywood 'nightmare' scenario. The bear builder seems entirely plausible in this context but his anger runs counter to stereotype. The boy captive is sexily portrayed and I love the use of a jockstrap to highlight his erection which is firmly at the centre of the picture surrounded by a radiating pattern which somehow adds a sense of a rapidly unfolding drama. The cruelty and fear hinted at in many of Neil's pictures is stronger here (it sometimes becomes much more explict than this) but the unreal presentation defuses it for the casual viewer.
This is a good example of how the artist creates a convincing image with suggestion rather than explicit detail. The fork lift tyres, for example, seem realistic at first but the tread pattern is actually very simple. The 'rubbery' arms and fingers of the victim are another trademark style serving to lighten the drama.
Neil Bruce - Bear Pit
'Bear Pit' is a favourite of mine, the helplessness of the victim, removed from the real world and dangling above the chubbies who are presented as wild, voracious animals all serves to create a classic fear scenario.The 'threat' seems relatively benign but that bondage would be very painful in real life giving more than one cause for the victim's expression. The use of dramatic perspective helps create a memorable image.
Neil Bruce - Stray
'Stray' brings us back to innocent humour and shows he can draw anatomy when he wants to. This is a much copied image but I give credit to Neil for doing it first. The absence of any hint of coercion makes it a comic, character statement and provides a legitimate excuse for depicting a view of the genitals which would otherwise be pure artifice and filth! Nice.
You shouldn't have any trouble finding Neil Bruce's work in gay art groups but you could start with his own site Bearotic Art which also has some interesting vanilla stuff.
For other articles in this series click on the 'A-Z' label below
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Nath66