To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Sailors in Uniform blog

US Sailor - Arms akimbo

By way of an interlude in the Royale review, but in the same vein, a couple of pictures from a new blog dedicated to the delights of Sailors in Uniform and called appropriately enough sailoruniform
It promises to be quite a treat for Naval enthusiasts, if these pictures are anything to go by.
I think there may be more interesting stuff in the pipeline.

US Sailor pertly posing


Navy Cadet said...

Wow, thanks for the link to Al's blog. I love sailors and their uniforms!

navyguy said...

Thanks Mitch for the advert and link......... much appreciated