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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - The Letter 'J'

Mitchell's survey of fetish artists continues with the letter 'J'. There are lots of very interesting Artists in this group including important names like Jakal, Joe T, Jonathan and Jotto. To start with though a couple of fringe examples:-

Johansson - Wrestlers
Not really a fetish artist but I've included this picture (which is a vaguely fetish subject) simply because it's good. The technical credentials of the artist speak for themselves.

Jeeprat - Plaything
I don't have a lot of work by this artist but I like the subject matter of the example included (above) and the technique is pretty interesting too. The highlighting and speckled texturing looks as though it is inspired by photo manipulation techniques but I think it is more than just a manipulation.

Sorry no link info.
For earlier articles in this series click on the label A-Z below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The expression on the face of the grappler on his back says it all! Total surrender and prepared for...ahem.. 'anything'!