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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Neighbourhood Cops 12 - Secure for the night

Brody - time for lights out

The sudden influx of detainees generated by the '4S' regime
meant that jail space was soon under pressure
Some prisoners were placed in temporary 'overflow' accomodation,
generously provided by the Prison Governor and his staff
who were permitted to pick out who they wanted as a 'guest'

The furnishings were more comfortable than normal jail cells
and rooms quieter without the incessant racket of the main prison
but the arrangement was not without disadvantages for prisoners.
Their restraints were much tighter to maintain security

And some hosts who popped in at 'lights out' to say their goodnights
might also reveal that the bed would be shared by them both.
Prisoners experiences varied, the Governor's nights
were very different to the lowly janitorial staff.

and it wasn't unknown for 'guests' to 'get lost'.

This brilliant picture of Brodie is courtesy of Captured Guys

(Originally published as ‘The Cops Companion’, a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen Yahoo! Group. See sidebar for link.)

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