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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 17 May 2008

In Praise of ......... JockStraps

I know that not every man will share this view,
but I have a firm belief that jock straps look great - but only on big men.
When slim lads like the guys above wear them they just don't work.

The guy above looks better but is really still too thin
for that chunky waistband.

No, a thick trunk is needed to stretch the waistband so the proportions look right.
Obviously the more stuff you can get in the pouch, the better. 
There's an added frisson that comes from evidence of maturity.....

.....but given the right build,
youth itself is not an impediment to the erotic exploitation of the garment

The requirement for shapely bulk is also true of the rear view.

The buttocks should bulge out over the leg straps
like they were a restraining harness.

Finally they should not be pristine white. I'm not into excessive soiling, but clothes that have been worn mould to the body in a most sensual way. Jockstraps need lots of washing to achieve that state because they are made to be strong with thick material. But it's worth the wait while they soften.
You can't beat a big man in a jock! 

(revised Feb 2017, Jul 2018)

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