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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 14 April 2008

Mitchell's 'Press Gang' - Inspected in an alleyway

This is a picture from my Press Gang story published las December.
A group of builders are abducted by the Press Gang to work on HMS Dominator.
The full story is available as a PDF at mitchmen (Yahoo Group)

This picture is an example of how I put my series together.

It originally existed as a figure study only - just two figures and no background except for a symbolic port hole (suggesting the civilian had been abducted by the sailor and taken to his ship).
The moustache and hair of the builder are a clue to the age of the original picture!
I deleted the port hole and added the background of alley and lorry to suit the 'Press Gang' story line in effect moving the picture timeframe from 'after abduction' to 'before abduction'.

This is one of my own favourite stories. The basic scenario has been with me for many years and I was pleased how the final story came out. Visit mitchmen at Yahoo if you haven't seen it yet!

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