In today's picture the amount of leather gear on display is challenging my 'more is less' guideline and it's been posted a lot on various blogs this year, but the image is so sexy I could hardy leave it out.
Muir Caps are tricky garments. You need the right shape of face and the right degree of butchness to wear them this way. This chap gets away with it and the cap sits nicely above those wonderful sticky out ears!
Caps like this are normally part of a uniform and look odd on a naked body, undermining the authority associations and emphasising the loss of clothing, the exposure of the ordinary man beneath.
A 'strong vs vulnerable' ambiguity pervades this picture. The hairy, muscular body (wonderful thighs!) radiates power and masculinity - the bands strapped round the arms emphasise this characteristic nicely. I'm not so sure about the body harness, it suits him but does it signify restrained strength - or submissive captivity? The rake of the cap over the eyes is self consciously cute and the coy, teasing way he slips the jock down is completely at odds with the power imagery. Maybe that's why he looks so lovable!