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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Cops Companion 27 - Day of trial

Unfortunately it seemed that any prisoners with appealing qualities
were those most likely to be taken away for treatment.
Special treatment which bore no relationship to the reform techniques
published in the academic criminological literature.

It was discreetly funded via the Office Supplies budget.

Go to Part 28

Image by Catglee

Orig published as ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’  at mitchmen at Yahoo!

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Cops Companion 26 - Chosen One

Strange friendships took root behind bars
Night shift cops found it hard to ignore the prisoner nudity
The thought of sending their favourites off to be punished
 brought out protective instincts which were hard to control.

Go to Part 27

Orig published as ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Cops Companion 25 - Unloading

"Get a move on! We know what you're doing!"
 Toilet facilities in the prison came under strain
 as young drug runners competed with other users for their sanctuary.
Tearfully straining to deliver their loads under the watchful eye of buyers
 impatient to get their hands on what they had been promised.

It could be a traumatic experience
for men unaccustomed to such attentions

Go to Part 26 

Photo credit:- Daniel Miller by Kristopher Kelly @Beautiful

Orig published in The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Cops Companion 24 - Loading up

"Yeah, I reckon we can get another bag in there, boy"

Some of the less scrupulous cops who found drugs in the searches,
confiscated them and sold them back to inmates in other wings of the jail.
To move the gear around the prison undetected
they picked out naive, young inmates to use as 'mules'
Using fake searches as a pretext to load up them up.

Go to Part 25

Orig published in ‘The Cops Companion’ a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Cops Companion 23 - Prison Search

The cops weren't going to let the detained criminals
start business all over again inside the jail
On the spot drug searches were frequent and were carried out
to the same 4S specification, Stop, Strip, Search and Secure
(although the Strip part was usually minimal now).

The men were usually left secured too as a warning to others
A position that left them vulnerable to other prisoners
  frustrated by separation from their girlfriends
and enemies seeking satisfaction for long standing grudges.

Go to Part 24

‘The Cops Companion’ is a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ which is now running at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Cops Companion 22 - Pause in proceedings

Suddenly the cops found they could pause for breath between arrests
They felt a new excitement at being on top of the Criminals
Everyone could see they meant business and kept out of their way
lest they be picked up treated like delinquents too.

Go to Part 19

Orig published as ‘The Cops Companion’ series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Cops Companion 21 - Taken for punishment

Meanwhile, unsubstantiated but disturbing reports were coming out of the jail
Each day, a selection of prisoners were taken away for punishment
There were blood-curdling reports of what happened to them
and blurry photographs whose authenticity could not be established

Go to Part 23

This hot photo-manip picture produced by 'Catglee',
who sometimes posts at GMBA (see sidebar links for latest address)

‘The Cops Companion’ is a series of photos selected to accompany and complement Mitchell’s story ‘Neighbourhood Cops’ which is now running at mitchmen at Yahoo! See sidebar for link.