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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The Tie Game by Cybertied

 This is a brilliant fantasy about a 'sports centre' where men can go to experience being tied up. Luckily for us, they are all extraordinarily cute or handsome and there's a shop full of sexy gear for them to wear while they live out their bondage fantasy. You can see it's the first time for some of them, and they are plainly surprised and sometimes shocked by the unexpected reality of being in the hands of an unseen and none-too-gentle rope-master. There's even a hint that his work goes on, after the centre is closed for the night, leaving you wondering just what happens in the end to all those 'rope-curious' men.


I'm full of admiration for all the creative effort that has been put into this by Cybertied, negotiating the restraints and wilful disobedience of the AI Art engine and creating a storyline that is tantalisingly sketchy and vague about what is really going on.

Visit Cybertied at 'X'.  and  Cybertied @ Tumblr

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