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drtkk - Nice Meats 1 (colour by mitchmen blog) |
Gay bdsm art by 'mitchmen' Mitchell and other artists featuring male erotic sexy fetish, S&M, men tied up, male bondage, domination, humiliation and spanking. Vintage photographs of men in uniform, Royale & Hussar Studios, humourous captions, gay pride articles
To my readers......
Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar
Sunday, 30 June 2024
drtkk colourised by mitchmen blog
Friday, 28 June 2024
Bareass Blogs No 81
Bareass Betting Man
When you're down on your luck in the Casino,
getting drink at the bar requires imaginative improvisation.
Putting briefs down instead of chips might be a worthwhile gamble.
Watch out for the croupier's stick though!
Go to Bareass No 82
Thursday, 27 June 2024
Bareass Blogs No 80
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Bareass Blogs No 79 - Butch, Beast or Bitch?
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Source Image Identity unknown |
Sunday, 23 June 2024
Roman Prisoners of War
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Roman Prisoners of War To Become Slaves. |
A fine body of men with all the hallmarks of AI perfect beauty.
A great picture by 'Gay-Roman-Fantasy'.
However, without the benefit of the title you'd struggle to make out the meaning of this picture. It looks like men filing through a welcoming committee. The artist has managed to generate an interaction between two of the characters, which isn't easy with present AI tools - it seems to be a consoling, 'well done' or 'be strong' handshake/fist bump as the defeated captives gather. But if these are POW's, there don't seem to be any guards or escorts, just a couple of spectators on the left, maybe one half hidden on the right. There's quite a commotion going on behind them but it doesn't seem to be directly linked to them. This is not the artist's fault, necessarily, AI tools grant limited control to them and do whatever they want to do most of the time. Which I suppose is the most chilling sign of intelligence imaginable.
I just want to ask where the auction is and what time it starts!
See also Defeated Romans Enslaved
or search the mitchmen blog on 'Roman'
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At The Market |
This is a nice, sexy image, but again it isn't obvious that this is a market. I love the loincloths but how come everyone is nearly naked and dressed the same? Where are the guards? The market traders?
It's reminiscent of those Hollywood movies where the top gangster, arrogantly strolling through his domain is disrupted by a young upstart who gets in his way. As his minions look on, reflecting his menace, the gangster looks the newcomer up and down, perhaps bandies words with him, then moves on. The absence of contact between the figures makes for a rather loose composition, but it helps create a sense of hovering menace in my imaginary scenario.
This doesn't look like Ancient Rome Toto! No Togas and dubious architecture.
To be fair though, it does say Roman 'Fantasy'.
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Cruising |
Another great image with another hunk arrogantly strutting his stuff. I suppose his up-market loin cloth and belt are symbolic of wealth and status compared with the wretches around him. We probably all know a street or two like this, though rarely with crowds of men quite as wonderfully undressed as this - or standing without drinks. The scene does appear to be a market, fruit on the left, bananas on the right but there isn't much trade going on and why is everyone walking in the same direction?
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Mercy or Not? |
This is closer to what you would expect in a Roman fantasy. An attacker has been disarmed and blood has been shed. He kneels defenceless but uncowed. There's a significant disparity of dress between the two protagonists, perhaps the loser has just been forced to take off his armour by the victor.
However, why they were fighting in the first place is a mystery. This isn't an Arena. There is a watching crowd but they are dressed like an ill-disciplined army, who have just arrived after a long march. Perhaps this man was the only citizen prepared to make a stand against them, but on the other hand perhaps he was just a (not very good) sneak thief. The juxtaposition of knife point and nose looks very odd, a good example of AI's inability to replicate human judgement which would adjust this detail.
An amazing image nevertheless
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Young Soldier at Sunrise (41) |
AI is very good at creating portraits of hunks who are the height of perfection and although this man would be near the top of most lust-lists there is something about him that is different, he has character. He's not looking directly at us or courting our admiration. Instead his expression suggests he thinking about something important. Something he must do on this new day, brought closer by the rising sun.
(His armoured 'pouch' with subtle contours glimpsed underneath is very sexy).
I like this picture.
If you follow the link to Gay-Roman-Fantasy at Deviant Art you'll find lots of images like this on Roman themes - battles, gladiators, bath houses etc. And I mean lots, you may end up with indigestion.
Friday, 21 June 2024
Crazy Cop Caps 13
Methinks someone protested too much!
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Art by Catweazle
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Catweazle01 - Defeated Hero |
A muscular man is dragged unconscious through a deserted, institutional building by two nightmarish creatures. It's the classic hero in trouble scenario that has parallels with another favourite of mine: A Hero Dragged to his Fate by Ehrlik. This one too faces an uncertain fate and despite his youth, delectable appearance and scanty clothing, the nature of his captors seems to rule out any sexual threat (although the strategic positioning of his forearms might arouse suspicion in an all-human context).
Rather, it's danger and death that fuels this artist's images.
*These days we appreciate that it's wrong to assume that creatures that are different to us are necessarily evil, these might easily be post-apocalyptic, ambulance drivers bringing the victim of a traffic accident to A&E. Catweazle01 relieves us of that dilemma by consistently describing them as horrific monsters.
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Catweazle01 - Dangerous Fog |
This atmospheric image also expresses that sense of a dangerous world with a bearded hero on the steps of a shrine of some sort watching a strange creature emerging from the depths of the swamp. The fact that the steps descend directly into the swamp may imply that it has been constructed by the inhabitants of that hidden world but in any case we can safely assume that intruders into this mystical space are not welcome.
You need a big screen magnification to fully enjoy the male characterisations in some of these epic-style images, but this artist often exploits the ability in 3D-rendering to present different viewpoints and close-ups of the scene in other images (See gallery link below). The scaling here puts the heroes apparent strength into a rather different perspective.
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Catweazle01 - Pest Control |
The artist's title is dismissive of the dangers posed by the creatures in this world but this does not look like a trivial crisis. The heroes nakedness makes him look very vulnerable and his deliciously hairy body makes him more like an ordinary guy who lifts weights rather than the stereotypical, smoothly- muscled he-man of fantasy fiction. In fact his haircut and neatly-styled, black, loin cloth both look quite modern and modern man is not exactly well-equipped to be cast into a primeval world. Nevertheless, he's bravely stepping up to defend his mate armed only with a big sword and a small shield.
There doesn't seem to be any gay sub-text in Catweasel's work but the men usually go adventuring alone. Women pop up occasionally in a variety of roles, both dominant and submissive, but the focus of attention usually seems to be the man.
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Catweazle01 - Fight the Dinokonda |
There's a similar situation in this image with another, very sexy man facing a formidable opponent in an even skimpier loincloth. Despite his muscles and confident fighting stance there's an alluring sense of vulnerability surrounding him. Too good to eat in our eyes but the creature must imagine it's another easy dinner, ready to go.
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Catweazle01 - Jurassic Fight 02 |
The closer the men get to their giant adversaries and the more naked they are, the sexier they seem. The hairiness of this hunk just seems to underline how exposed he is and it's very attractive. With Vallejo's heroes, smooth and slightly plastic bodied, you hardly notice after a while that are unclothed at all. He usually chooses to portray them as dominant victors and dominant males (and they usually have long hair, ugh!). Catweasle's men also have amazing physiques and strong personalities but their essence seems more normal, more modern.
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Catweazle01 - Horror From The Deep |
Of course, it can't be taken for granted that handsome muscles will prevail and the human is at a distinct disadvantage in the sea. Octopus pictures show tentacles with a tangible source which is refreshing, but unlike most tentacle-alia we naturally assume they see humans as food rather than sexual partners. Not so much dishy as dish of the day.
It's also easier to visualise their arms as having incredible crushing power rather than being playful, teasing restraints. So, the outlook for this man, who is perhaps an innocent diving fisherman or maybe a hero-adventurer helping to rid the locals of a nuisance to their boats, doesn't look too promising unless he knows of a vulnerability which his rather small knife can exploit.
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Catweazle01 - Primeval and Futuristic Archer |
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Catweazle01 - Young SF Buccaneer Fighting on a Spaceship |
The artist delves into steam-punk fantasy in this image, rolling back technology into history and man with it, reverting to the dress of a bygone age. Bare-chested pirates were one of my earliest erotic-danger fantasies but I never imagined them as yummy as this man, let alone having to face the undead. Perhaps Wagner had something like this in mind when he wrote The Flying Dutchman! I'd certainly buy tickets for a production styled like this.
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Catweazle01 - Bodybuilder In Prison |
I find the underlying concept of this image very appealing, the muscular body-builder cast into a prison, clad only in his skimpy, posing g-string and reduced to star-gazing for his entertainment. Longing for his freedom no doubt. The panoramic window his cell is equipped with seems a very sophisticated design feature suggesting something equivalent to the bird kept in a gilded cage, not as a punishment, but for the entertainment and gratification of his captor. To that end, this prisoner will probably be 'encouraged' to keep up with his weight-training to maintain his attractive figure. He might even be granted a mate to share his misery with.
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Catweazle01 - Shackled |
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Catweazle01 - Victim of the Harpy |
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Catweazle01 - Punishment |
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Catweazle01 - Execution |
Catweazle takes the inversion even further with this image, unambiguously and chillingly titled to make clear that this is no near-scrape or crazy jape. The execution set-up is crude, but fully thought out. The captive seems to have a youthfulness that belies his musculature and this adds poignancy to his predicament. Unfortunately his expression does not suggest that he has a viable Plan 'B'. Nor is he alone in this extremity, a fellow human watches helplessly from the cells at the rear, perhaps expecting to share the same fate.
We do not know if the mutants are imposing their justice on these two men, exercising 'Pest Control' or disposing of rebels. In traditional hero scenarios this would be a way of tormenting a loathed opponent by callously punishing his right hand man or boy wonder in front of him, but the artist does not even hint at such subtlety. The executioner rants at him and the guards look as if they'd do the job themselves given half a chance.
See also Catweazle01 at Deviant Art
Saturday, 15 June 2024
The Squashing - Channing Travolta 4
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
The Great Rugby Take Down
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"Those bastards!" |
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"You've had enough warnings!" |
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"Go on then! Do your worst!" |
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I want to have a word with you, Fergus, about your on-field behaviour |
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"I'm waiting, Doyle" |
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"Brace yourselves, lads. The entire team is coming out to spank you. Thank your lucky stars it's not in front of our home crowd" |
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"Wait! Wait! You can't just take these men away and sell them! We've no chance of winning the League without them!". |
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"Look at it this way, lads........." |
This Coach is more sanguine and professional at the prospect of losing two key players,
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"What am I bid for these two exquisite specimens?" |
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In Transit |
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Alone in a Crowd |