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Monday, 4 March 2024

More Abduction Art by Jomsviking

Jomsviking - Captured by Trolls

The first part of this series included an example of a man being thrown into a pit of devils by a religious cult. Jomsviking also sends out bands of Trolls to terrorise his menfolk. Fantasy beings are not the usual fare at this blog but they produce an interesting situation here, as they discover the special attractions of men as opposed to women. The captive tethered on the left and anxiously waiting his fate is one of this artist's better-drawn men, though far from being idealised. His buddy being put on the spot in the middle has quite long hair which is typical of a certain type of male, more attractive to women than gays, I suspect, but Trolls seem drawn to it too. It leads to a comic moment here with the gag doubling up as an Alice band. 

N.B. I have doctored this image to remove a female captive, sorry Jomsviking! (View the original, it's not entirely without interest). You can also view other images altered or captioned by me by clicking on the mitchmods label at the foot of the post.

Jomsviking - Troll Squad 1

I claimed in Part 1 that this artist has hidden gems in his output and this comic strip is a case in point, starting with the alarmed face he has drawn in the frame middle right. It's not hard to imagine this character being transformed into something quite special by more subtle draughtsmanship. That's not not intended as a criticism, in the lower corner frame you see how effectively the artist uses the comic technique, literally darkening a face to create a sense of resentment, apprehension and fear. In the top frame he conjures up the setting of an Inn in almost-cinematic fashion. 

Jomsviking - Troll Squad 2

In Part 2, enforcer Trolls arrive to pick up the terrified fugitive (top frame). A fantasy, but they exhibit unpleasantly human characteristics. The clever use of perspective to create a sense of intimidating size is reminiscent of Macbeth's dark art in the 1980's.  In the frame just below, their hands dropping on the victim's shoulders produce a delicious cliché of impending doom, but again one can readily imagine a fleshed out, more sensual rendering of that face.  

The 'lift' (bottom left) is perhaps overly comic but it leads into a short 'strip and abduct' sequence that is masterly in it's economy and abruptness. In the middle frame the sudden nakedness and vulnerability of the captive is cleverly emphasised by the forward arching of his body and the knife blade hovering dangerously close to his crown jewels. The final frame is truly a little gem of male fetish art, showing the nude figure being bound and hustled away watched by two barely visible onlookers. Consider also how it has been placed at the end of the page to create a natural dramatic 'fade out'  The Troll adds a wry punctuation mark.

This page is a delicious little story in itself.

Jomsviking - Troll Squad 3

If you look again at that last corner frame, you'll see that the captive is not headed for the exit but a pub table and that is where the action continues with his gagging and wrapping up. This attempt to disguise the abduction as a carpet delivery seems totally surreal, given that this man has just been stripped naked and tied up in the middle of a crowded tavern. The imagery becomes more of a caricature too, diluting the erotic impact of the idea.

Jomsviking - Troll Squad 4

The next scene is straight out of the 'Count of Monte Cristo' and that connection adds both richness of colour and a touch of nostalgic humour to the proceedings. Cutting past the chase, the poor wretch is soon unceremoniously dumped at the feet of the arch villain who has ordered his 'recovery'. It probably won't have escaped your attention that it's a woman*, but fear not, she doesn't take her kit off! The nature of his 'service' is made more clear in the last frame when she produces a handful of leather straps. Once again the end of the page inserts a dramatic pause.

*I'm not totally averse to a bit of femdom at this blog, it ropes in (so to speak) a section of the male population with unique charms of their own that might otherwise escape our fetish attention. Unfortunately, the formula for this art form demands that our hero be reduced to a pathetic wretch, a process that began with his seizure (Part 2) and developed on the page preceding this one (Part 3).

Jomsviking - Troll Squad 5

With a tight-fitting hood rolled over his head our hero is made to sit in the carriage an uncomfortable and humiliating head-bowed position. His subjugation is pretty much complete, although we can still glimpse his masculinity via his nicely rounded pecs and a smattering of hair on his legs and chest. This body hair is a feature he may not have for much longer, for his captor has already initiated a process of feminisation for him. By some unseen trickery, his feet can only rest on his toes, as if he were wearing high heeled fetish boots, a development which probably awaits him at his next destination. Luckily we don't have to witness that degradation, the carriage speeds off into the night with him inside.

Jomsviking - Game of Thrones

Ruthless Trolls feature in this image too with a much grander target in their sights, a King and his entire family. I've picked this single sex detail out of a larger image which shows them all being stripped and carted off, men and women. This artist does not idealise men but his picture of the king as an older man is fair and not totally unflattering, nor devoid of sex appeal for chubby bear fanciers. 

The same applies to the slightly flabby figure on the right, seen being aggressively bound and gagged. It's not always easy to identify genders in this artist's figures, the men are often broad in the beam with slack pecs and large orioles. Judging by his underpants, however, this is one of the King's male relatives. A once-fine physique gone to seed perhaps. The arching pose being forced upon him is similar to 'the lift' image in Troll Squad 2 (above) and draws on the same erotic ingredients but with an extra helping of stress imposed by balancing him on his knees with him legs tied back. Helpless and surrounded by predators, the process of making him a captive creates a sexy situation of it's own.

Jomsviking - Heroes of a Proud Nation

This epic tableau documents another catastrophic military defeat (click on the link for a large version). An army of young knights have been captured and afterwards they are stripped to their underwear and tied up. One is seen being carried away slung from a pole (left), others are temporarily detained and abused by their captors but will then suffer the same fate. It's an all male cast, but a couple have suffered the humiliation of being dressed in feminine lingerie. Even the older ones (bottom right) are not spared this terrible fate. 

Highlights are the guy on the pole and the one on his knees (centre right) but this looks like it's part of a much bigger picture 

Jomsviking - Game of Thrones

This artist seems to thrive on historical scenarios where unbridled power could bring down the great as well as the good and when dungeons were places to be feared not playrooms. This image captures the sense of an aristocratic captive's confusing and threatening descent into a dark, secret place of unimaginable suffering. 
The artist 'Les' also used dungeon steps in memorable imagery like this 

As well as the dark, cold atmosphere, there's a more tangible threat signalled by the sinister escorts. Jomsviking is good at depicting menacing captors, in fact he often seems to give them more attention and more attractive substance than he does their victims. 

This picture also features a chunky, chastity device which seems an odd choice for a political prisoner but it makes a sexy combination with his chunky thighs and turned down medieval boots. 

Jomsviking - Football Team Transformation.

Here the dungeon steps motif is combined with an abduction scenario that is remarkably similar to Amalaric's story of the disappearance of the Raytown (Missouri) Softball Team (in 'Slave to Passion', image 8 onwards). In this case, however, it's a football team and since the artist is Finnish it's likely we are talking about soccer. The abduction technique (not included here) is the same as Amalaric's, they all get on a bus but instead being taken to their Hotel, the driver drives them to an old factory where they are forced out at gunpoint, scuffed and gagged and led inside never to be seen again. 

Jomsviking condenses the stripping and re-clothing of the entire team into this single image but I particularly like the curly-haired victim being stripped at the left side. Skimpy panties are OK but I can't say I'm crazy about men in fishnets and heels, however it does make a point about who is in control and much more unpleasantly than simply stripping them. It conjures up lurid thoughts (for them and us) about what is going to happen to them all.


More in Jomsviking Part 3 

Start reading from Part 1 of this series (with web links)

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