MilkCow - Surfer Riding New Waves (my title) |
I first posted Drtkk's (Milk Cow's) work at mitchmen back in 2017 (can it really be that long ago?). The image above is an example from that era with a heavily muscled young man being tormented in bondage by mysterious, fetish character. I see that he's specifically collecting pre-cum, which implies that he will try to edge his victim for as long as possible and deny him escape through orgasm A divine torment indeed.
The physiques of MilkCow's captives back then were intensely detailed and stylised in dark tones reminiscent of Cavelo, outlined with a sculptural precision that attracted the description of 'plasticity' from one reader.
See the First Post about this artist:- MilkCow 1
Now there's a whole new portfolio of work to view and his style has much evolved. In some respects it is less dramatic but remains firmly focussed on the subject of men falling into the hands of others who want to discover how they react under pressure.
MilkCow - Drunken Boys Trapped Club 1 |
This picture comes from a short series where drunken young men are abducted by an organised group who are the exact opposite of pretty young boys but clearly don't see why they should be left out of all the fun. The captives are forced to demonstrate their sexual capabilities - typically shooting distance - while being pawed, groped and licked by their aging captors. There's a great sense of their combined weight and numbers prevailing over youthful strength and frantic vigour. One of them here is sitting on the poor lad's arm. There have complex tasks planned to their catch and are not in any rush. It promises to be a long night.
The young captive sports the familiar shock of spiky hair but you can see how MilkCow has abandoned the dark, shiny, skin textures for more subtle shading. However the muscle delineation is harder than ever creating a web-like effect with a scattering of striking, arty geometrics. There's a marvellous contrast between the young drunk and the modelling of the older men, who remain clothed. A wide range of types, all beautifully observed, albeit in cartoon fashion. The fan-shaped, art-deco moustache on the right is delightful.
MilkCow - Soldier's Auction 1 |
An abduction also seems to lie behind this image of a captive soldier being auctioned at a secret midnight sale. He's cute-looking and not too young with enviable muscularity (which perhaps has been worked on by the sellers to enhance his sale value). His nakedness contrasts with the heavy disguises worn by the illicit sellers.
He's presented to the audience in heavy shackles and chains wearing only a rubber G-string which has ring clasps to isolate and accentuate his cock and balls. An alluring band of crotch stubble just above completes the clever, sexual marketing. The glint of light on his dog-tag in this picture seems to confer a sort of heroic status on him and suggests that he's still capable of handling all this. As Lot 49 he follows in the footsteps of many other captured servicemen and more are waiting in the background for their turn to mount the rostrum and be offered to the bidders.
MilkCow - Soldier's Auction 2 |
The sale completed, the buyer (unusually) gets the chance to check out what he has bought before removing the goods from the premises. Naturally milking performance is of paramount importance and a sensible buyer verifies the claims of the saleroom, so the soldier is immediately unsheathed and plugged into an ejaculator ring, while the buyer helps him along with his electro-stimulation program of choice. I like that MilkCow keeps his performance measurements within believable bounds, although a man who produces anything under these circumstances deserves respect.
It seems there is a consortium of buyers, or perhaps it's the buyer's older family members. Understandably their interest lies in getting up close to the sensual qualities of the soldier's body rather than watching his bodily functions. He's too preoccupied to notice them, the pain showing in his face is neatly supplemented by his splayed toes. The artist's hard, muscle accentuation can be seen as depicting extreme tension throughout the captive's body.
It's a fun day out for all the family and those who lost out on this specimen in the saleroom can watch the proceedings through the glass door. A strangely attired guard with an electro-trident (two prongs = dident?) makes sure they get no further.
The soldier's dog-tag gleams on as though, deep down, he's unfazed by it all.
I suppose the dripping shower head (as well as being phallic in itself) serves as the equivalent of the rake used in the long jump to remove all traces of prior jumps. It washes away the fallen cum in readiness for the next attempt. I dare say that many a captive gets an impromptu soaking with it too.
MilkCow - Chair of Toughness |
The third picture of this 'dog-tag' set shows another muscular, captured soldier strapped to a chair, especially designed for restraining men comprehensively. He's naked of course and being milked, but purely by the application of pain stimuli.
The detailing here is amazing. His arms are pulled back and his legs spread wide and between his thighs a pierced, wooden upright plate traps his organs, holding them steady. An array of ropes, weights and rings prevents his erection from collapsing and a tube inserted into his cock-end directs his ejaculate against a transparent plate from which it drains down into a collection tray. We can see sweat is streaming off him under the stress but the more subtle detail of him straining forward against his neck chain as he shoots his load and the claw-like tension of his lateral muscles gives us more insight into what he is really feeling.
The characterisation of the tormentor is fascinating. He seems something of a crazy nerd with his frizzed hair and dark glasses, very different from stereotypical S&M masters but rather sexy. He reminds me of Boot Lust's wacky scientists. But he's not a soft alternative. He's already loaded the soldiers nipples and balls with weights and scourged his body with a serious flogging (the whip lies discarded in the foreground having served it's purpose). He's also attached an electrical cable to the penis tube to keep him focussed on his production task and asserts his total control by manually controlling it's shocks. Now he leans forward with wicked-looking pliers to freshen up the nipple pinch.
He seems to have forgotten all about his own task of interrogating the prisoner,
his clip board notes lie neglected on the desk.
MilkCow - Triads Detention Class |
I'm drawn to this image because it's restraint frame bears a passing resemblance to the half-round shape that Royale Studio used in many of their solo photoshoots. In a sense it spells out the wicked thoughts that run through our minds when we see a hunk like
Peter George draped over such a piece, just like the unfortunate man above.
As far as I know this is not part of the Soldier's Auction series although this captive does have a dog-tag (it's not glinting in this image). The term Triad is usually applied to Asian organised crime groups and one of the participants here has a suitably evil-looking, piratical, eye patch. It looks like he's about to give the ball stretcher another tweak (although I'm not sure he's actually pushing in the right direction at this point, overexcitement I guess!).
Given this characterisation the gang are probably interrogating the soldier on suspicion of disloyalty in some shape or form. His secret must be a big one as he's already suffered a head to toe lashing as well as the crude cbt. The interrogator kneeling at his side seems to have reverted to sinister coaxing in the fashion of sophisticated villains. His hair pulling stunt is a relatively minor escalation but makes it all more personal and intimate (like the nerd taking control of the electro shocker, just above). The ultimate threat here is similar, a heavyweight electrical device sits next to frame, on standby.
MilkCow has pulled off some tricky persepectives in this picture, but upside-down humans are quite difficult to take in visually and the muscle styling here doesn't really help (compare the impact of this drawing with the smoother, Peter George real version). Nevertheless, the 'new style' of characterising of his villains stands out, the leader here being disturbingly unvillainous in appearance.
MilkCow - Rich Man 1- Water Torture |
The final two images in this post are about a rich man who can afford to buy a soldier to amuse himself with after dinner. Paired with a good vintage wine it makes for a pleasant evening with company lending a hand to 'wind up' the victim. This villain's little trick is to souse his captive with a pressure hose directed at the crotch. I presume it's spouting water and not expensive wine - that would be decadent! A bucket suspended from the man's organs collects some of the spray and run-off, but I imagine he won't really notice the accumulating weight until the battering, water stream is turned off.
This is just the starter, the main course is the whip, temporarily wrapped round the victim's neck to intimidate him (a very twisted elaboration).
MilkCow - Rich Man 2 - Magnetic Attraction |
The Rich Man leaves the sweaty work of flogging the captive to his dinner guest while he plays with his latest gadget, a giant electro magnet which is strong enough to attract the full bucket of water, thereby increasing the pull on the man's balls. Clever use of the on/off switch will cause the bucket to swing of course.
You might have a pang of guilt about enjoying MilkCow's relentless torture of these handsome devils who only sought to serve their country. All I can say is that every man jack of them responds with a formidable erection. It's almost as if they enjoy it too!
More MilkCow in Part 3