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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Start as you mean to go on

Planet Gay - The Slave Is Washed

 Alexandro's New Year resolution was to win Rome's 'Best Kept Slave' competition.
He got his best one up early on the day to give him a good wash and scrub 
(which was sorely needed).
He enjoyed himself so much that he scrubbed and scrubbed 'til the slave was even sorer.
"Please stop Master" he complained "I must look spotless now!"

But he didn't.

The trouble was his hairiness, thought Alessandro
As a man it made him look nice, but would the judges prefer a more boyish look?
Unfortunately if he decided to shave him, he couldn't change his mind later.
But after much thought he decided it probably would be the best presentation.

He could have asked a servant to do the job, but they might botch it.
Shaving his slave himself turned out to be even more fun than scrubbing him.
Especially as his sensitised skin made him twist and turn in his master's arms.
It really was a most agreeable sensation..........

He soon discovered his slave had hair in the most surprising places.
Getting into all those nooks and crannies took time and patience
because he certainly couldn't afford to cut him 
and who knew where the judges might look?

Alessandro's slave didn't make it to the competition at the forum
The anointing of his skin with oil proved to be the last straw for Alessandro.
He dragged his slave off and spent the rest of the day in bed with him.
Where both men eventually fell asleep feeling like winners.


otherguise said...

Presumably, as each hair grew back it was painfully tweezed out to maintain the hairless look.

Anonymous said...

One hopes

Mitchell said...

Personally I like well-managed 'grow-back' as well