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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 11 April 2022

Classic Homoerotic Images - 2

Joy, from 'Squares' series by Irwin Olaf

It's hard to imagine this picture causing controversy but it was apparently banned by Gay Times back in the eighties (yes, it's that old! See clarification below). Admittedly it's a not very subtle reference to ejaculation but that strikes us as being saucy these days, not pornographic. This image isn't even gay, intrinsically, but quickly achieved an iconic status in gay media when it first appeared.

The detail of the cascading foam is intriguing, it doesn't quite look as you would expect it too look and we can see it is still shooting from the bottle when a quite a lot is already running down the boy's thigh and dripping from the underside of the bottle. Was it done in one take or were whole crates of bubbly needed to get to this image?  However it's been created it's quite an impressive technical achievement. 

 Read the mitchmen 'Classic Homoerotic Images' series from No 1


speedoric said...

During Thatcher years, so after 79.Surely it was on the cover of GT, but with a white 'modesty panel' type wrapper?

speedoric said...

Link dates to 1985. Was used by GT, but with white modesty panel, removeable once purchased.

Mitchell said...

Thanks for the information, Speedoric. I have updated the post.

The Mighty Foo said...

It didn't take long for it to be available in other media. I had a postcard with this image circa 1986. Useful for tossing off a quick one, as I had to do several times after seeing this wonderful image for the first time.