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Sunday, 20 February 2022

The Art of Noxsatvrn

Noxsatvrn - Alpha & Omega (my title)

 This picture by the Indonesian artist Noxsatvrn superimposes a very detailed bondage image on a background of complex, mystical patterns with a distinctly asian style, dominated by what appears to be an all-seeing eye, a mysterious 'presence' embedded in wings, writhing snakes and bones. It's reminiscent in some ways of the work of Hasegawa which was also decorated with cultural symbols, but not as densely or mystical as this. He too sometimes hinted at ritual violence but not quite as explicitly as can be seen here. 


Noxsatvrn - In the caress of dawn and drowsy stars

This splendid image of an unclothed, chubby man is a world apart, also infused with symbols, but ones that have a modern, western ring. The bulls that surround him may be an allusion to Taurus, the western zodiac sign, which seems to suit this man's appearance. Their angry red eyes could be an indicator of temperament, but give the picture a slightly demonic air. 

More symbolism attaches to the man's nakedness and linen wrap, it's coupled with the bed of bull-rushes which lead us in the direction of birth in the Christian tradition and of course Taurus is a birth sign. Another visual pun on bulls and 'bull'-rushes suggests that the aim of the piece is not so much enlightenment as entertainment. Even the title, provided by the artist, is more romantic and wistful than the picture seems to warrant. It all seems to add up to an eclectic interest in all things spiritual.

*The prominent, arrow-shaped leaves may also have a symbolic meaning but it escapes me.



Noxsatvrn - The Goat? (my title)

 This could be another zodiac sign featuring Aries the ram, although his feet look more like those of the goat which has devilish connections with the wizardry of flying on a broomstick so we are now in the area of the occult. The goat is also closely associated with lust and you sense this man (another chunky beast) might have an earthy sexual nature to match the suggestively shaped tip of his broomstick.


I wouldn't normally post an extreme image like this at mitchmen but the clever artistry persuaded me.

In this image the earth seems to be giving up a victim of ritual violence who is being borne aloft to some higher domain by wings which may belong to birds, angels or simply representatives of the forces of spiritual elevation. However, the thorny branches wrapped round the victim's neck seem to be restraining him, taking possession of him and this appears to connect with the quite different, pagan tradition, The Green Man, representing death and rebirth with men reproducing and returning to nature.

The blood-stained white roses which feature so prominently here have literary connections to beauty, love and selfless devotion in the myth of Aphrodite but there's another obvious sexual connection between blood and the loss of virginity and purity, which is often represented by whiteness. 

Noxsatvrn - What's Happening?
There's a similar naturalistic theme here, with tree-like creepers encircling a naked man's wrists and neck as if to restrain and strangle him and he cries out as if in fear and pain. This time the star-like blooms we can see are passion flowers. Their strange, complex structure is often associated with the passion of Christ (and much more besides) but there's a more obvious, simpler connection to the passion of sex and that might equally describe what this man is experiencing, particularly as the plant's tendrils are encircling his nipple and brushing his cheek in a far from threatening way. The red lumps on the plant's stems may suggest blood but are typical of the buds of new growth (you've probably seen them on roses) rather than anything sinister.

Noxsatvrn - Male Diptych (2019)

This artist's interest in plants is equally evident in this image which shows bulbs sprouting between the legs of two men, who eye each other across the boundary created by their separate, decorated frames which contain references to their different cultural backgrounds. The plant on the right is a crocus (a spring flower, note, and source of saffron, the flavoursome spice). Unfortunately I can't identify the other flower. 
The poses of the two men are modesty itself and both seem to have saintly halos, but the sexual significance of the bulbs at their feet and the growths encircling their bodies seems obvious. Desire knows no boundaries and that's reflected equally in the appearance of the two men, not conventional beefcake but mature and slightly chubby, one of them ginger. 
Noxsatvrn - Woof, woof

This contrasting image defiantly celebrates love between chubby men who love the way they are. They are both handsome, sexually desirable and utterly cuddly and the treats that help make them what they are, are not guilty pleasures but innocent joys that connect them with a depth of emotion touchingly represented by bejewelled hearts which are entwined and knotted together as one. 

The artist has adapted his abundant symbolism here for a purpose that is lighter in tone but in a way is equally spiritual. It's seems the reverse of the strangling vine and the disabling bondage of sexual desire - but is it? Or just a different flavour of the same human condition?

Noxsatvrn - Winter's Lullaby

Another light-hearted but poignant celebration of chubbydom. A mature Pan-like creature happily drowses, still holding the pipes that typically celebrate the summer of human desire and bearing the fruits of autumn on his head (no doubt having consumed the wine they yield). 

The wintery surroundings and setting sun show the turning of seasons and the end of the day. He's flanked by owls (creatures of the night and symbols of transition) also squirrels collecting food to see them through winter which show that this is not the end, the regeneration of spring lies ahead.


Noxsatvrn - Kawataro

The artist focusses on his Japanese interests for this image showing a tightly bound, tattooed man with traditional knotted hair and fundoshi loin cloth, standing in an ocean of raging waves in which are floating water lilies and strange, slightly frog-like, beaked creatures.

These last are the legendary Kawataro or Kappa and we met them in a previous mitchmen article about Hasegawa. They are credited with the ability (and inclination) to drown people and water lillies have similar associations. All this symbolism is dominated by the stylised, setting sun of Japan. I can't read the script but assume it spells the title of the picture.

It's clear this man is threatened with imminent death but, being blindfold, cannot see the portents all around him. However, the bright, gaudy colours of the setting sun suggest something more triumphant, more significant, lies beyond the horizon.

Once again this beautiful image shows great technical skill, recreating the traditional style of Japanese painting - although the sun imagery for me is a bit garish.


Noxsatvrn - Ritual (my title)

 This final image is the most Asian of this group and the most overtly erotic, with muscular, animalistic deities drooling over a suspended, captive man against the background of an intricate arched frame.
Below them are a ram's head, smoking joss-sticks and a magically gleaming knife mysteriously balanced on it's tip. It hints at the erotic, the ritualistic and the macabre. 
You sense this is judgement day - and it's not going very well.


Visit Instagram for more of Noxsatvrn's imaginative, complex art


speedoric said...

Eclectic sources handled very well. One of them surely is c1900 stained glass by eg Tiffany USA, as in the Male diptych.

(Bull rushes Old Testament, as in Moses)

Mitchell said...

I don't know the stained glass designs but the style of the diptych fits that era. An interesting discovery about this artists technique.