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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Marc DeBauch updated


Marc DeBauch - Sonoran Sunset

I have now revised and extended my mitchmen A-Z post about the art of Marc DeBauch with many more pictures. The sample image above is an exceptional example of his skill in bringing erotica into the realm of conventional art. The hairy highlights on the cowboys torso and legs are rendered with great artistic skill revealing that body hair has a texture but it also provides a sweet erotic kick. 

The attractive sunset colouring is almost chocolate box romanticism were it not for the explicit, simmering nudity and the thicket of highly suggestive cactus shapes around him. He's actually surrounded by spiky threats - from these plants and from the barbed wire fence, which he's (sensibly) not quite leaning against. If this is a cowboy cruising area, it will be filled with painful snags for the unwary as daylight fades!

Read the mitchmen updated Art of Marc DeBauch

Visit his website gallery (more gallery links in the main article)

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