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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 18 January 2021

Beautifully Bound - JR Matthews

I'm a fan of tight and simple bondage and these studies of JR Matthews neatly parcelled up are terrific examples.  This model has a deliciously muscular physique and strangely sexy face.
Admittedly, the simplicity lies in the composition of the imagery rather than the detailed ropework, but the uniformity conferred by using a single type of rope in a symmetrical pattern also contributes to a neat sense of balance and completeness.
There's a sense of serious purpose in the care lavished on this captive.
The densely woven bindings completely immobilise him.
He is put on display and casually manhandled like the meat in an auction.
This upward looking view seems to resemble religious veneration,
like that accorded the victim of an ancient fertility rite.

 With his feet on the ground the effect is slightly comical and humiliating.

But once he's flown in the air the awkardness is replaced by something more elegant and awesome.

JR's chunky buttocks framed and parted by rope provide an unexpected burst of pure eroticism.
 Edging in suspension must be a very strange experience.
In this vast empty space it has an eerie, dangerous feel.
See more of JR Matthews at Men on Edge (Kink 32255)

For more Beautifully Bound men, click on the label below

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