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Monday, 17 August 2020

Milking Factories 7 - Studies by ObiCumKenobi

ObiCumKenobi - Milking Parlour (mod by Mitchell)

 A Technician monitors the output performance of an older man complaining of fatigue.
A new milk donor arrives to fill the gap in the production line caused by a droop-out.
He's already been primed in the assessment centre with Valium and porn.
Blindfolds are applied to men who need to imagine they are being personally milked.
By the time they realise the truth it's too late.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi


ObiCumKenobi - CP Creamery (mod by Mitchell)

 Operatives have discovered that a richer product (creamy with a slightly bitter tang) can be obtained if the normal electro-stimulation is supplemented by random CP. A special milking stall has been developed to facilitate ease of extraction without unseemly evasion manoueveurs by the herd. For most men a sample of the paddle (or the operatives preferred device) coupled with the threat of more to come is sufficient to obtain most of the desired taste but some operatives believe that a firm slap during ejaculation also increases yield.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi

ObiCumKenobi - Electro-Stim Test 2 (mod by Mitchell)

New members of the herd are carefully assessed before they are allowed onto the production line.

They must be introduced to the electro-stimulation technique and the optimum fit and style of stim-plug found for their cavity. They are primed with the 'supplements' which are used to ensure continuous production. Only then can their yield and cum quality be confirmed as meeting the high standards of the factory. Most men find this procedure quite exciting although they usually resent the restraint. A lengthy stint on the production line usually corrects any misconceptions.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi

 There's another version of this image at the foot of this post

ObiCumKenobi - Tommy's Torment

Sometimes donors need to be taken out of production and 're-trained'.
A period of isolation and one-to-one mentoring are usually successful
 in restoring the donor's enthusiasm for the production line

ObiCumKenobi - Electro-Stim Test 1 (mod by Mitchell)
Alternative version of Electro-Stim test
I came across the original versions of these images as simple sketches but thought they made a great fit for the Milking Factory series and decided to colourise them (with a few minor modifications) to publish here. Except for 'Tommy's Torment' which is unchanged.
More Art by ObiCumKenobi

 ObiCumKenobi at Twitter

Go to Milking Factories 8

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