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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 30 March 2020

Julius Re-imagined - The Sheriff and his Deputy

Looks like it's back to the Office for the Sheriff and his Deputy
for a fun afternoon of slicking and pokering!


 One of my occasional re-imaginings of Julius' great images 
(for men who prefer their men grown up).

Based on an original image from 'Devil's Canyon 1' by Julius, p20

For others in the series, visit the previous example No3 : Butts & Saddles
See also my A-Z article on Julius

Friday, 27 March 2020

Asian Speedo Bondage 2 - Rai's Playroom

In this article I present a selection of images from ' Rai's Playroom' which explore the eroticism of Speedo-style swimming trunks in the context of shibari style Japanese bondage.

A swimmer surveys his domain of the pool wearing skimpy, snug-fitting swimming trunks.
He adopts confident pose that's intended to attract attention and impress. 
This sort of man provides the inspiration for Speedo bondage enthusiasts.


The trunks are no less attractive when the wearer 
is enmeshed in a complex network of rope restraints.
Carefully sited loops around the buttocks accentuate their shape.

In the Locker Room a story of captivity is also unfolding for this muscular specimen.
His purple trunks are a delightful, bold adornment for a body that has bulk and shape
without being excessively defined. 


This more slender swimmer finds himself in a luxurious flat.
Minimally bound, the full beauty of his body can be viewed,
and his hands prevented from obscuring or (protecting) his trunks.  

It's the same story here with slightly tighter arm restraint but nothing below the chest
but this man's arms are squeezed behind him by the restricting sides of the bucket chair.
So, his torso pushes forward, creating a dipping, inviting, sling shape in his Speedos. 

It's not just the pouch at the front that that's the source of Speedo man's allure!
The ropework here immobilises the subject's arms most emphatically,
leaving his skimpy and very tight trunks to tease and tempt.
They are shamelessly designed to accentuate the shape of his rear
with the colour contrast creating an erotic 'double cup' effect.

His submissive kneeling pose is a beauty.
You can see additional ropes snake inside the trunks, to lodge in intimate places.
Their insertion has further depressed his waistband, opening up the teasing cavity.

This tight-fitting rascal has brought another young man into the limelight.
Out in the real world pants as tight as this would be a fashion faux-pas.
In this domain it's a form of restraint in itself, doubling up on the ropework.

The Speedos bunch the flesh into succulent shapes
that can be examined and enjoyed without hindrance. 

Here the bondage master demonstrates his control by lightly touching the Speedos.
There's an extra twist in this image, normally the trunks on this site are shiny and immaculate.
Look closer here and you'll see this man's turned up in a very old, worn pair.

The master rips them open to ensure it won't happen again.
I'm quite glad he did.

But for these plain, white 'Asics' there's no need for such crudeness.
The removal of the inner lining and a splash of water ensures all can be seen.

This picture pairs with the first image in Part 1 of this article.
The scene starts out with an upper body, ropework 'harness'.
It's beautifully formed around the man's pecs, 
both sympathetic and flattering to their shape.

Rai's fantasy unfolds with the captive appearing in a hotel room, now wearing a hood.
It's as though he's been brought to some strange appointment at a secret location
and with a person whom he is not permitted to see.
The hood deprives him of his sight and identity
and he bows his head in a gesture of submission.

His fate is to be tied down awkwardly on the bed
 with legs secured in an immobilising doubled-back position.
His thighs are held open by side ropes
showcasing his wet 'Asics -' and their clinging fit.

Unencumbered by any ropework, the trunks seems to gain added prominence and accessibility,
like a sort of clothed nudity, especially crafted for a purist who likes his Speedos served up 'straight'.

Rai's site has a significant emphasis on this highly complex style of bondage 'art'
It's often more decorative and psychological rather than strictly functional.
This lower body harness seems to create a wasp-like narrowing of the waist
whilst broadening the hips and thighs and highlighting the hairless lower abdomen .

The binding of this captive is further embellished by leg entwinements anchored by the toe.
The practical effect is to create discomfort and make movement more difficult for him.
Visually though it adds bulk and the impression of strength being restrained.
The red 'Mizuna' Speedos stand out enticingly through a cleverly shaped 'window'.

In these sorts of settings, the Speedos seem incongruous and inherently ritualistic.
Their briefness and tightness impart a sense of vulnerability and exposure to the wearer
so that the simplest of holds here creates a powerful sense of subjugation and peril.

Shibari can be a very dark art which manifests as highly stylised bondage for this man
It goes beyond mere restraint and body wrapping into forced poses and contortions.
as though he is entering a mysteriously threatening rite.

In this darker context, the Speedos shine out through the complex of ropes
 like a beacon of innocence and athleticism belonging to a different world.

The pole here anchors the arms and restricts the posture,
the captive is drawn into a tight, testing, compression position
harking back to the origins of the art as a punishment for captured enemies.

 A manly sport indeed for those with the courage and flexibility.

By contrast, this equally comprehensive roping has a child-like innocence about it.
 But the leg-bindings, which seemed like simple adornments in an earlier picture,
transform into restraining sleeves and anchors for complex meshes of restraint. 
The face taping starts to seem part of an integrated neutralisation.
Even the Speedo identity starts to disappear into the spiders web.

This amazing image keeps the Speedos centre-stage.
It's a more open pose but equally immobilising.
Although it is highly erotic there is nothing explicitly sexual in the picture.

This raised, 'stork' leg constraint is more suggestive and puts the spotlight back on the trunks.
In a strange way, the sheer proliferation of ropes impies a presumed strength in the prisoner.

The shower floor scenario here draws on the athletic and watery connections of swimsuits to create a nice air of authenticity, but makes the swimmer's plight seem all the more extraordinary.


Rai's Playroom focusses on a particular style of Speedo bondage, peculiar to Japan. It encompasses a wide range of other masculine iconography as well as swiming trunks. The imagery straddles the line between the sexual and the merely erotic and even if you are not attracted to the extremes of shibari, some of his imagery is amazingly powerful and exciting.

I'm planning follow up articles that spotlight the Western view of Speedo men in bondage.

See lots more pictures like this and lengthier sequences at
Rai's Playroom.

This article forms part of my 'Asian Festival'
click on the label below for others 

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Asian Speedo Bondage 1


Men in brief swim suits with their low waists always look sexy
but it's quite hard to find erotic imagery of men tied up in Speedos.

There's a selection of swimmer bondage images that have been circulating on the internet for many many years and you may recognise some of them here. This yellow speedo suspension image is one of my own favourites and as you can see it's of Asian origin.

 This is rather nice too, more understated, but still with complex upper body roping
He's a man who looks very attractive even from behind!
Seating him on a bed adds an extra erotic frisson.

From the front, the man's body is seen to be enmeshed in neat,
criss-cross ropework in the characteristic shibari-style.
The lower-body ropes loop underneath his crotch
to make an unambiguous erotic statement.

The glimpse of tight rope emerging again from between
shiny speedo-clad buttock cheeks is very sexy.

I remarked on the 'shock of pink' on a man in my Jase Dean 'hunk hunt' post, (twice in fact)
This shiny, bright pink swimsuit makes this image particularly memorable.
The ass curves of the tight-fitting Speedos create a nice sense of 'containment'
and harmonise with the coiling rope lines.

The kneeling pose and heavyweight ropes used on this broad-shouldered man
convey a particularly good impression of both strength and capture.
His skimpy trunks create a cupping effect, particularly the lower blue part.

All these pictures depict asian men and in all of them the faces are obscured which obviously detracts from them somewhat. In some cases, crude pen strokes have been used to obscure eyes. Surprisingly this custom of anonymity persists to the present day. Even in the modern opening image of this article the model's eyes are covered with silver tape for anonymity.

Fortunately it doesn't matter too much from the back.

This is a notable exception. It's also been around for a while but I suspect it's origins may be nearer the West judging by the studio sophistication in the back drop. I imagine this was from a magazine spread of some size, but it is the only sample I've ever seen.

 In this example it's not just the model's face that is hidden.
The complex shibari roping covers much of his body, almost hiding the Arena swim suit.
This captive is ritualistically suspended in a purpose-built 'display frame'.

 There's a significant contrast in this image which has no lower body ropes at all.
In this picture the Speedos can still make the statement, 'I am a swimmer'
But the upper body, a key element in swimming, says, 'I am a captive'
The centre seam of the swimming trunks substitutes for a crotch rope.

This classic shibari hog deliberately highlights the buttock area
with crotch divider and thigh ropes tight under the ass cheeks.
The rope-work is ably supported by the brightly-coloured Speedos
 which curve beautifully round the buttock profile with a nice sheen.
The blue waist level flash also suggest roundness - and brevity.

In this more modern picture the marriage of ropes and swimmer's trunks goes further
with  ropes threaded beneath the Aqux 'Speedos' making a very sexy statement.
They also augment the size and shaping of the pouch of the shiny garment,
conveniently assisted once again by the emphasising yellow side flashes.

One wonders if this man was obliged to endure hands reaching inside his trunks
 while the ropes were threaded underneath?
 or was he stripped naked to be tied and the trunks replaced afterwards?

The Speedo pouch augmentation in this example is slightly less subtle!
These ropes are not a 'bra'-style support but continue down and crossover between the legs.

The low waist reveals signs of sexy 'grow-back' on the swimmer's shaved abdomen
and there's a tell-tale sign of his excitement arising from this 'predicament'.

This image brings out the classic skimpy 'waist' line of true Speedos.
It's not a real waist at all, the trunks are stretched horizontally between the thighs.

It's this design feature that makes these garments seem so skimpy when worn by competition swimmers, who care not about how sexy they look (presumably) but about how sleek their body shape is when wearing them. The professional model in this picture is less reserved about what he's showing and with that challenging look on his face it's tempting to imagine him being whisked off by a lurking bondage rope-master for closer examination.

This image offers an example of that closer 'examination' in progress.
 The Asian love affair with captive swimmers is brought out nicely in this picture
where the bondage is cursory and designed to improve access rather than to immobilise.

The captive assumes a heroic, god-like position
in which he can receive the worshipful tributes of his admirer.
His body is allowed to display it's beauty unfettered.

But don't imagine it's just about muscle or body worship!
The Speedos also receive their due and christening from within.

I much prefer to see the participants faces in erotica, even if it's not the main focus of attention,
 but the use of swimming goggles as a disguise here is clever and highly appropriate.

Sadly, I have not been able to provide a link for these last two images. Finding Speedo material is getting harder, due in part to internet porn hustlers using a proliferation of false labels to attract and distract searchers. It's also because Asian language issues make their blogs hard to access.
If I find it again I'll post it, help from readers welcome!

Recently one readily accessible site has become visible which has a strong 'line' in Asian Speedo bondage images, Rai's Playroom. The opening image of this article and the one directly above come from this source and I suspect some of those earlier anonymised images do too.
 You will see that there is a good level of artistic and photographic quality
and it's not at the expense of erotic value.
I like the nice economical and neat bondage here.

In my next post I will look at this site in more detail.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Bastille Updated

mitchmen A-Z gay fetish art
Bastille - Shaving

I have now revised and extended my 'A-Z' article on 'Bastille'

His work explores deep sensuality allied with artistic integrity

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Bastille 

For more shaved men, click on the 'shaving' label below

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Mitchell's Fetish Art for March - Fetish Shop Window

Mitchell - Meat in a Fetish Shop Window
An early fantasy of mine. Old hands will probably recognise the whimsical influence of early Tom of Finland. There's also a similarity with Link's work in the calm acceptance of their situation by the young 'offers', although I don't think I had seen any Link when I drew this. Two of the men are offered as meat, sitting in trays to catch any draining fluids, but the third seems to be a sweeter type, placed on a raised cake stand, complete with doyly, which I suppose has a similar purpose.
I imagine this shop window needs to be cleaned quite often.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Monday, 16 March 2020

Bareass Blogs No 42

Model: Andrew Morrill

Bareass Begging on the Byway

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Friday, 13 March 2020

Franco Swimmer Spanking and Night Visitors

Franco - Spanking My Pool Boy
I have expressed my admiration for Franco's new photo-manip style at length in Part 2 of his A-Z article here, but in this recent posting at Telemachus12 he seems to have moved to a different level.

He has found an uncanny ability to capture the handsomest of men and enhance their masculine credentials to the level of what can only be called 'sex on legs'. The attractive body hair on this rather grown-up 'pool boy' is accentuated by a slightly grainy texture in the picture and whilst we don't know what offence he has committed, his enhanced rump makes him eminently spankable. In fact he might be in the process of earning another punishment by soiling the bedding.

There's an extra ingredient in this image that for me lifts it to another level and that is those swimming trunks, relegated to half mast for the purpose of ensuring a good tanning. How often has this poor pool owner had to watch those buns, sheathed in shiny, blue Speedos, bobbing up and down in his pool? It's crime against sexual moderation.

Franco - Gloating
He's created a similar effect with this image, with sagging jeans this time adding that extra ingredient of identity for the handsome offender and making a daring sexual allusion in the pose. The student setting stretches credibility a bit, but the odd-ball appearance of the professor certainly adds to his humiliation.  I can also visualise this character surrounded by burly workmen who might be rather more interested in following up on that scorched, tempting rear.

Franco - Oh That's Amazing!
 Franco has moved into new territory recently, adding tentacle creatures to his imagery, benign beings it seems, with a liking for male body fluids and the ability to groom their favourites into leaving their bedroom windows open at night. This variation on the classic Dracula theme provides a neat solution to the knotty problem of defining what one of these creatures actually looks like. They can still lurk unseen outside, while reaching in to tantalise and feast on their subjects, a scenario that's realistic enough to be (almost) believable. I love this man's sexy hair-style which suggests he might have a liking for unusual sensual experiences.

Franco - The Alien Tentacle Feeds
The twining tentacles in these pictures make an allusion to bondage imagery which is much to my liking too although for Franco it's purely in the interests of added pleasure. This image with it's relatively youthful subject links the tentacle fantasy to sexual exploration and self discovery in the privacy of one's bedroom which might be regarded as the real meaning of the tentacle phenomenon

Franco - Midnight Visit
Those ideas also link together in this image which features the Pool 'Boy' we started with playing host to an equally inexplicable midnight visitor. The billowing curtains make you think of Dracula again and you might see a superficial resemblance to the movie characterisation in his face but he seems to be totally uninterested in this poor man's neck (I really can't call him a boy!). I've explored this scenario myself in my 'Night Visitor' series which includes a spanking outcome in one case, so this picture really warms my cockles.

Franco - Harvesting
 Franco's popular lab rats are also benefiting from his new inspirations and this one caught my eye because of the nicely grown up 'rat' but also because of it's striking perspective, which is inherently more dramatic of course, but also creates an immediate visual pathway (you might say) from the man's face directly to the milking device whose workings seem exceptionally easy to understand. It has a substantial size and standing in between the subject's spread legs you get a real sense that it's a powerful device and it's totally in control of him.

These new images are very exciting and I'm looking forward to what he comes up with next!

See many more Franco images at Telemachus12, Franco gallery