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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 20 December 2019

Mitchell's Fetish Art for December - Horsewhipped

Mitchell - Jogger Horsewhipped For Trespass
For the landowner it wasn't simply a matter of trespass. When joggers decided to run across his moorland they disturbed the breeding of his game birds. The signs were quite clear - 'Private Property -  Keep Out' but some of these runners still seemed to think they had a right to roam there whenever the fancy took them. The fact that they deliberately ignored his warning signs was, if anything, even more of an annoyance than the damage they caused.

So when he spotted one of the devils cutting across the lower field while he was taking an early morning ride he decided to do something about it. He rode the blighter down, chasing him through the heather until he was breathless and forced to stop and turn to face him. Then he saw who it was, Steven Black. He'd been warned before, now here he was back again and proudly looking back at him, staring him in the eye as though challenging him to do his worst........


I have posted incomplete versions of this picture here before, now I have finished it, incorporating a theme that has been on my plans for a while featuring riding pants and boots. The full story will be published at my Yahoo! Group soon. Meanwhile this image joins an album of spanking-related images (at my Adonis Male, mitchmen Club) that don't belong to full-length stories and so have been pretty much  invisible since they were first published, some of them in groups that no longer exist.

For other Art by Mitchell at mitchmen blog click on the 'mitchpix' label below
or visit my Gallery Hub (tab at top of page)

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