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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Gotta get a hoss! - 2 The Greenhorns

The Horseless Ride punishment don't work too well on Greenhorns.

They might kit themselves out in fancy boots
but they usually ain't got much real idea about riding a hoss (see comment below!),
or the same amount of pride about their masculinity as the big fellas do.
Nice to look at but too easy as punishment targets to deliver the same pleasure.

Tommy Defendi in Stud Ranch
Them youngsters do like to show off though and once they've seen horny studs naked in the saddle
they often want to feel the well ridden leather between their own bare thighs
Many's the time a lad is caught having snuk out for an early morning 'woody' ride
Cheeky I call it.

When whippersnappers overstep the mark, the saddle doubles up as a naughty chair.
The old hands love to see how it transforms youthful cockiness into sullen resentment.
All them impregnated man-juices whiff a bit after few hours bum-warming in a hot barn! 


Some exponents of the 'naughty saddle' punishment like to banish the offender
 to a far corner of a remote field. A spell of nekkid loneliness is pretty sobering
for a young fella and after a day in the sun it gets a mite chilly too when night begins to fall.
 That's when anxiety sets in. They try to attract the attention and sympathy of passing riders.
It usually works. Heh, heh. 'Cos the hands draw lots to see who gets to rescue the cub!

Pretty soon the tenderfoots start to learn how the Ranch works.
How hands returning to the stables after a day in the saddle are always a mite horny
and if they butter up and wait for them, looking humble and chastened,
they'll probably escape kitchen duties that evening!


When you're being strict with young men, there's always a chance of rebellion,
The one who won't accept the punishment.

Them colts have to be tethered and tamed,
jest like an unbroken horse. Yes Sir!

Once them ropes slowly impregnate with the man's own sweat
 they tighten so much, there just ain't no escapin'!

I'm a-telling you, after a day out in the sun,
 them rebels become a lot more agreeable!

and by that time, there's only one way to slacken off the stranglehold of the rope!
These last 4 images are from the Colt Studios Video 'Stud Ranch - Hung N' Strung' (2010)
It's an imaginative storyline and Zach Alexander and Dayton O'Connor's youthful hunkiness makes up for their lack of true cowboy grit. Sadly the generally available stills, mostly taken from a distance in the open air, don't compare with the best studio quality. Inevitably too, the bondage sequence is all too brief. Despite this, it's one of my favourite S&M scenes in a genre (cowboy bondage) 
that's rarely covered in modern erotica. 

click to enlarge

There's a longer version at Hot Gay List


Anonymous said...

Did you note, in the first photo of the series, that the guys butt is poised over the pommel of the saddle? Who needs to be dominated, when one can get what they want without having to sustain the ebb and flow of a relationship? Of course, lowering his 'booty' on the object of his gratification could have been enhanced by the presence of a dominant witness. But then, we don't always get what we want (de we).

Mitchell said...

Well spotted! I did miss that little detai. I must be slipping!