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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Jay Black - 2

My second example of Jay Black's work I've chasen for it's underlying theme as much as Jay's contribution to it. Basically this is a story of  ......

'white lad fancies black pole dancer and gets black bar-man included in the deal'. 
(all pictures are Copyright of Next Door Ebony)

 Brandon makes his play 
In 'Three to get Lucky' (2014), Brandon Jones plays the caucasian admirer in suitably boyish (pseudo-innocent) fashion. Jay Black is joined by chunky Marc Williams in taking advantage of him. 

The plot line is obviously founded on inter-racial attraction and all the stereotyping and baggage that goes with it is at the disposal of anyone who views it, but if everyone's having a good time why not? 


For my money, the 2 on 1 scenario coupled with the contrasting skin tones adds a frission of the dangerous and the forbidden that could only be improved by surrounding the group with an audience all the same colour (either black or white). Interestingly the impact of this image would alter according to the colour chosen, each conjuring up a different back-story according to the viewers own built-in perceptions and prejudices.

Jay Black is not the prettiest man around but his sheer muscularity plays well in the nightspot lighting especially in the video itself. The contrasting skin colours enhance the visual experience, adding clarity. The purple backdrop also plays it's part in augmenting the photography. The mirror on the wall behind, on the other hand, is cleverly positioned but well.....a bit OTT.


The mature Marc Williams hasn't lost his cuteness yet and contributes a physical bulk that makes his intervention seem quite intimidating and it's certainly impressive to watch that butt going. 
Well done Brandon!

Check out the trailer clip below!  

Three To Get Lucky

See the whole film at Next Door Ebony

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