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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 15 April 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - The Letter 'S'

 The Letter 'S' includes a very large number of Artists, so brace yourselves! There are some big names like Sean and Spryte, several notable 'oldsters' including Sketches and Stud, and there's no shortage of 'mysteries' either one of which I covered in my previous post. As usual, I limit my survey to artists with a significant fetish element in their work. I also exclude computer generated art (for example Sarander), partly to limit the size of the list but also in admission of my ignorance of the medium and it's techniques. I confess that I am becoming increasingly aware of how arbitrary this distinction is and how much great fetish art I am excluding, but I aim to deal with this when I reach the end of the alphabet.

I always like to usher in a new letter with a work or two that I admire, but whose creator wouldn't make it into the main listing. For the letter 'S' I have chosen two splendid torso images which are beefcake rather than fetish works.
'Hairy Torso' by Sallee

For me, 'Hairy Torso' by Sallee is a compendium of irresistible erotic triggers, not just the tantalising, sagging jeans but also the slightly over-fleshy pecs pushing out from under the vest, the fan-like pattern of re-growing body hair, the glimpse of 5 o'clock shadow and the military dog tags. I don't have any other pictures by him but, from the chocolate box style, I would guess he's fairly prolific.
 'Guy in Shorts' by Sanchez

'Guy in Shorts' by Sanchez is less sensual in style and more overtly erotic but it's the representation of the subject's face which I like most. The dreamy, softness of his expression is alluring but curiously at odds with the provocative lower body pose.

I would also mention in passing the artist Sole, whose splendid pastiche of Tom of Finland's style I mistaken listed under Fluide Glacial

 For other posts in this series, click on the A-Z label below 
or search for an artist by name

I welcome link information on these artists

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