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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 25 May 2012

A-Z of Fetish Artists - The Letter 'R'

  The letter 'R' includes it's own quota of 'stars' - Brad Rader, 'RAS' (R A Schultz) and Rex. 
I usually start off these reviews with 'honourable mentions' of artists whose work I like, 
but who don't qualify for the series (for my inclusion criteria look here).  
This time I've chosen a major figure to set the scene - RW Richards ('RWR').

RWRichards - At The Pool

RW Richards probably doesn't count as a fetish artist, much of his work is middle of the road erotic-romantic, indeed his distinctive, deliberately graphical style could have graced the cover of any romantic novel or fashion spread from the last century (with appropriate censorship of course!)

This languorous evocation of a summer heatwave and the lustful sights it produces is spot-on
It reminds me of Harry Bush's tempting youths (technically and psychologically) but there's a more confident mindset behind it and these are real men, not boys.

RWRichards - Shower

Richards' men have smooth, shiny skins and large eyes with luxurious lashes which are not particularly masculine traits but that's more than made up for elsewhere in his figures.

In this shower scene it helps create a striking contrast with the beautiful Adonis, humbly kneeling before the grizzled, self assured older man. It's a power play which is also the essence of fetish and shows that an inter-generational image can work perfectly well without relying on immature boys.

Richards' treatment of water in these two pictures is interesting for aspiring artists.
There are further articles on RW Richards in 2020.

For other articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or use the search box to find a specific artist

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