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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

More Bondage Sightings

Following on from my article about the Vintage Male Bondage blog, some other classic bondage images garnered during web wanderings.

Some of these pictures are familiar friends which never seem to lose their appeal, like this sexy guy being gagged in what looks like a hotel room. There is something about seeing a man in the process of being tired up that is very sexy, especially if he is naked but his captors are not (although their leather 'uniforms' take away some of the edge).

It's from Bound and Gagged's 'Room Servitude'

Another chair bondage image from even further back in time.
I like his clean shiny torso and the tight binding pulling in his waist
also the suspended ankles.  
He's right to be unhappy!

There are a number of classic bondage pictures around featuring the sexy Logan Reed, but this one was completely new to me. Here he is packed up and ready to go. I find his body hair very attractive. It seems to curve to the shape of his body, forming delicious swirling patterns.

(and when it's 'growing back' after shaving, mmmm!)

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