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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Mitchell's Dishonest Gardener in Colour

Mitchell - My Dishonest Gardener
I occasionally experiment with colour in my pictures, this is a hand coloured version of my familiar 'masthead' picture of the dishonest gardener, secured in readiness for his disciplinary hearing. 
I took the opportunity to add an appropriate setting for him for this version of the picture.

The resulting picture has a completely different feel to the original 'gardener'
giving the felon a slightly more dismayed look.

If you want to see more of Mitchell's pictures you can view all of the ones posted at the mitchmen blog by clicking on the 'mitchpix' label below.

There's also a link to a small gallery of my personal favourites in the sidebar.

Another selection has been posted at my page
(again, click on the 'mitchpix' label there).

Finally, nearly all of my published pictures are displayed
at my mitchmen club at Adonis Male, details in Galleries tab at the top.


Anonymous said...

I love the entirely gratuitous brevity of his shorts. I like to imagine that, caught in some kind of wrongdoing, you in righteous indignation have ordered him out of his normal gardening garb into these ridiculous, humiliating cutoffs in order to lecture him in more humiliating fashion.

Mitchell said...

That's a thought! The all-round brevity of his shorts leaves the way open for a very traditional spanking.