In five, highly erotic pictures he captures the ultimate male conquest fantasy.
It's quite different to my 'Flying Suit' bar fantasy in the last post.

In this cut down version I've removed the bartender offering a light. For me its a bit of scene setting which diverts attention from the erotic drive of the bikers and their story. You start wondering if the bikers are regulars here and why the barman is wearing a bow-tie in a seedy joint like this. Instead I've focussed on the backsides of the 3 protagonists as providing all the erotic interest. You will see in the next image that Tom himself seems to have made a similar editing decision.
(Subsequently to this post, I created a finished version of this picture myself,
using Tom's composition and shading style, you can see it posted in 'Bar Predators Revisited')
Speed and surprise perhaps - or sheer intimidation - or perhaps he doesn't really mind!
The biker in the foreground is an amazingly erotic figure.
Compare the rigid cock straining at his jeans with the first picture. I've spoken before about Tom's ability to make impossible angles seem convincing and this biker reaching behind his back to finger the blond's ass is a good example - just try it!
The disembodied hand squeezing the nearer biker's pec appears to be the bartender's but it's severely cropped and the result is quite confusing. It's a stylistic feature which is not unknown in Tom's other work but perhaps (as I suggested above) Tom changed his mind about the bartender's role and edited him out.
There are other clues in this picture that it may have been intended as a longer series. The other bar users are beginning to join in. The sailor in the background looks like he's going for that rear zip we saw earlier, while another helps out with the biker's jeans. This has all the makings of a typical Tom orgy - which would explain the earlier involvement of the bartender. Are there some lost drawings here? Is the incomplete drawing the point at which Tom stopped working on it? We'll probably never know what really happened, but I'm happy with the series as it is, orgies are not my style and this forceful seduction is highly erotic - even if there's no coup de grace.
Update - January 2015
I recently discovered what seems to be a further picture from the series, shown below.

A cop breaks up the party, the only question is, who's he going to nail?
See the whole story of how I identified this sketch as part of this series here