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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Guys In Uniform - 3 Boxer caught with porn

'Guys in Uniform' had a flair for using clothing to show off the models in a sexy way, but they didn't just rely on tight shorts. I talked about the numbered vests in the last post. In these pictures the guys wear those vests to highlight below the waist level nudity.

1. Boxer Relaxing

The first picture looks like a scene setter, a boxer has dropped his shorts whilst enjoying a porn mag featuring a sailor (more of whom later!). Obviously discovery and punishment will follow. The clingy vest highlights his upper body but leaves the groin uncovered. At this time in the UK, nudity began to be OK but erections were not. This compromise is both sexy and attractive but it pushes at the boundary. The just-visible jar of Vaseline is a classic 'hidden clue' doubling up the sexual charge for those who see it and understand what it means. For modern eyes the natural-looking pubes are refreshing.

So much about this 'simple' picture is clever. The boxing shorts with their distinctive label and chunky waistband are emblematic of manhood and toughness. In this pose, they also seem to suggest ankle restraints. The soles together position of the feet is a classic unconscious, awkward, youthful habit which charms the older viewer. The resulting open legged stance produces some nice shapely curves in his legs.

2. Made to Grovel
Picture 2 shows the same vest but not the same model (I think!). This is the best shot I have showing how the GIU vest brings out the shape of the fit body including the parts it doesn't cover.

The khaki shorts, rolled up to so as to seem briefer are another 'Guys in Uniform' icon. As a compromise between authentic clothing and sexy apparel it's not completely successful. I've always wondered why they didn't roll them up on the ouside, which was a common practice in that era not only for shorts but for jeans and shirt sleeves as well. (James Dean style).

The gaiters worn by the man with the cane are another slightly odd feature, they serve no purpose with shorts but as a form of strapping there is a bondage connection, I suppose. The same comment applies to the riding boots (on the right) although they do work as fetish garments here.

Although a cane is being brandished, this picture is really about bullying, domination and vulnerability. The partially undressed state of the men is sexual of course but also makes it seem like normal discipline has broken down. This slightly disturbing 'edge' is evident in other pictures by this studio and no doubt contributed to their downfall.

Apart from this, the mitchmen motto 'putting men in their place' could hardly be better illustrated.

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