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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 24 August 2009

In Praise of Y-Fronts - 6 Seams and Pockets

Such has been the impact of Y-fronts that they have become a universal shorthand for men's underwear over the years although none of the competition have the upside down 'Y' seam which gives the garment it's name. The fork of the Y frames the pocket in which the male organs rest in a most satisfying way.

The shape and size of the pocket varies, small ones creating a 'trapped' effect while broader styles bring the area forward visually.

The other salient feature, traditionally, is the high waist which looks a bit old fashioned in this day and age – but in a way that's part of the appeal suggesting an innate modesty in their wearer which is endearing. The wearer is no flashy kid but a mature adult who favours comfort over image and who expects to reveal his underwear only to the select few.

Modern Y-fronts however do make concessions to the trend to skimpier fits and this picture shows a lower waisted example which is by no means short on erotic appeal. The superman tattoo on this model makes a nice connection to the hey day of Y-fronts in the 50's and the joke about wearing of underpants on the outside.

Read Part 7

Read this series from the start

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