To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 29 September 2008

Ranch Life can be tough

Here's an interesting ranching image for mitchmen fans of bondage.
These cowboys have stripped and tied up one of the ranch hands.
This image complements my recent posting of the Ginch Gonch boys who are sent (in their jazzy underwear, of course) to work on a ranch and suffer the neccessary discipline. 
(You can now see Mitchell's picture of the GG boys in the 'Cowboy Folio').
It looks as though this unfortunate man was caught drinking. 
Or maybe it's the boxer shorts which have caused offence. 
Sometimes a cowboy just needs to give his rope an outing.
I have to say those cowboys are in for a shock if they think it's OK to wear flip flops on the mitchmen ranch. If the charge hand catches them dressed like that, they are likely to feel the full weight of his disapproval!

Underwear Cowboys 2

That's better! The defaulters have been sent back to the bunkhouse to change into something more suitable. Now we can get on with it!

I used this theme of unsuitable clothing for a picture on my mitchmen yahoo group recently.
The luckless boys have to report for punishment in the barn where a mean foreman awaits.
Have a look at Mitchell's pictures at mitchmen (address in sidebar)

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Underwear Cowboys 1

Another underwear campaign that caught Mitchell's eye a little while ago - the Ginch Gonch Cowboys. These buddies are all lined up in a row outside the Ranch House, stripped down to their underwear. Hands clasped (or tied?) behind their backs, it's as though they are about to be punished in some way. Making these ruggedly male, cowboys stand, undressed, in full public view would be humiliating enough for them. Being made to wear the same, eye catching and frankly not very manly underwear - as though it were a uniform - is even worse. The design of the slips worn by numbers 2, 3 and 5 are skimpy and sexy. The decoration and seams emphasise their equipment - turning them into sex objects for the pleasure of the unseen gangmaster. What a shame the others aren't dressed the same! Their shorts might be quite attractive were it not for the decoration which makes them seem quite frumpy. Perhaps that's the reason for the punishment detail.......?

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Ripped T-Shirts 3

I couldn't resist a final bite on this particular cherry. Possibly the most erotic image in the campaign - I just love the peeking nipple and the reflections of wetness. And again, that stout looking neck. A fine looking man. A sort of face which is not a million miles from the facial types in recent Mitchell pictures. I think I will quite likely use these images as inspiration in some future pictures. The Military allusion suggests a suitable use in 'The Lost Patrol' story which I am hoping to add to before too long.

 Read from Part 1

Thanks to Ajaxx63 for these images. You can see more of them if you visit their blog
Look at the entry dated june 22nd 2008

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Ripped T-Shirts 2

Another image from the Ajaxx63 campaign as our imaginary soldier fights for survival. 
The clothing accentuates his muscular arms, chunky thighs and long thick neck.

The ripped T-shirt reveals a finely detailed torso musculature
 The twisted waistband of the jock however suggests sights we may have missed 

Read from Part 1 

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Ripped T-Shirts 1

Every so often purveyors of underwear and tee shirts come up with a campaign of truly memorable images. This recent one, courtesy of Ajaxx63, is one of the best for a while.

To the 'mitchmen' eye the submissive pose, ripped Tee shirt and clasped hands immediately suggest bondage and rough treatment . The face of the model is cute but masculine. This is accentuated by the cropped hair and stubble which suggest he might be a military captive contemplating his fate - possibly a severe one. The mirror reflections morph into fellow soldiers suffering the same.

Of course the childish motif on the Tee shirt is completely inappropriate for such a rugged looking man, but I dare say it sells the product and Mitchell for one is grateful for the end result. I suppose there is an alternative scenario in which this man, who sees himself as the 'eternal boy', is taken in hand and learns the hard way what it is to be a man. However this doesn't gel convincingly with the model's muscular development and manly presentation. And, to coin a phrase, 
Mitchmen prefer Men (with a capital 'M'!).

Go to Part 2

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Mitchell's Medical Erotica

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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Mitchell's Medical Erotica continued

Today's picture in our series exploring Medical Erotica is a bit of a golden oldie which illustrates the power of touching. In Mitchell's Clinic the patient has little choice but to allow Doctors and other staff to touch his body if they wish to do so. His near-nudity makes him acutely aware that, potentially, no crevice is out of bounds.

Restraint of the patient is unneccessary - though the cropping of this picture allows us to fantasise about that possibility if we wish to. His remaining clothing is no impediment to the erotic impact of the image. Nor is the use of instuments instead of hands.

The observer can see that this particular examination is not a standard medical procedure - we have a 'mitchmen' situation here! The typical male patient at the S+M Clinic is unfamiliar with medical procedures and he does not realise yet that the doctor's interest in his body is personal. He wonders anxiously where the doctor is going to touch him next. At the same time he struggles to blank out any enjoyment of the intimacy of the touch, fearful that his organ will react and betray him.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Before the medical board

This patient shows another side to the benefits of undressing for examination. The behaviour of the medical board however seems to call for a witty caption. Any offers? At the S+M Clinic the staff would appreciate this lad's rear presentation in his own underwear. Mitchmen are connoisseurs of shapely bottoms! However the grey colour might not be considered quite so satisfactory. Perhaps this board is faced with a similar dilemma. The sticklers for white purity versus the more easy going individualist.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Undressing for the exam

Naturally, this being a mitchmen topic, patients have to remove most of their clothes for examination. In the S+M Clinic story they have to change into tight fitting shorts supplied by the clinic if their own underwear is unsatisfactory. For example baggy shorts are usually rejected. This patient with neat, white, well-filled pants would probably be spared that embarrassment - at least for now. S+M Clinic resumes at mitchmen on Yahoo! shortly.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Another day at the clinic

This simple, totally non-sexual image is nevertheless extremely erotic. The contrast of the patients muscular (semi) nudity with the fully clothed medical staff immediately suggests a 'power' relationship. And just how many men are needed to use a stethoscope?

Is that a Doctor using the instrument or an orderly masquerading as one? 
It's just a shame he looks so smug and docile - a bit more wickedness would be in order. 
The orderly on the left seems to have the right idea though. A very knowing look!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Clinic Scenes 1

To complement Mitchell's picture series, S&M Clinic, today's picture is a scene from a Hot House Video. I love the white gloves and the fact that the staff still have their clothes on but it doesn't seem to be a medical procedure that's in progress!