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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Art by Roman AI

"We have severe punishments for streakers, you know."
Front Facing Arrests are a standard AI-trope, but here's one with a difference. 
Roman authoritarianism, fab muscle hunk with spirit, in bondage, on the brink of nudity and nastiness.
What's not to like? 

"I'm naming you 'Anilingus'.
Serve me well and I will treat you well".

 AI struggles with humans in physical contact, so it's surprising that this simple expression of subjugation is not seen more often. The contrast between the muscular captive slave and his new owner, clearly refined and wealthy, is beautifully expressed. The hand he's using to emphasise his control is clever, shame it's drawn wrong. I know it's phallic, but surely there must be places in Rome that don't have a dome in the background.
"Lucky bastard! Things like that never happen to me"

And so say all of us! Official title is 'Locker Room Bully'. 
Using his own belt on him. Don't ask why. Great jeans too.

Now that's what I call humiliation
AI has brought the great gift of weather to fetish art creators.
The belt seems to think it's a crowbar, no wonder he's submitted to it!
"No good running off, Barton.
You'll still get your spanking in front of the others, next time"

Imagine! Barton's a hairy hunk, the others must be disappointed he's escaped temporarily.
Thank goodness someone put 'University' up on the wall to counteract the dubious age scenario.

"No, I'm Not Your New Valet, Signor.
The Godfathers Sent Me"

I love the wacky bath!
I imagine it having wheels and the hit man trundling it to the nearest balcony to be emptied.
The bather is in a fix since he's naked and worse might befall him if he jumps up.
Especially if he's been playing with himself under the water.
Gorgeous hairy pecs, clean too. Surely they're worth a temporary reprieve!
"Keep kissing, Luigi. Then it's the belt for you next.
No-one, but no-one, laughs at my clothes!"

 I'd keep stumm about the Teddy too, if I were you, Luigi. 
Otherwise, you might find yourself kissing below the belt.
It is decidedly odd garb for a locker room.

Oh, thank you, God. He does want help with his Project!

'This can't be happening' Department.
Right now, 'his' gaze suggests he's formulating a different, strictly ex-curriculum project.
In fact, it maybe that his 'problem' is not about his project at all, but something completely different!

I can't remember anyone like this at the educational establishments I attended.
I certainly never prayed to God about it, but each to his own.
The varied style of these images is refreshing.

"Cheer Up Spunkimus!
It's Not The End of The World!"

I suppose you're meant to imagine a poignant parting or doomed lovers. 
Great apocalyptic imagery and nice warm colours appropriately enough. 
Have you noticed how everyone always seems to be going in the opposite direction?

"OK, OK, Smartimus, So I Was Wrong.
But We Still Have Each Other."

Looks like a cruise ship just docked, carrying the undead.
Fortunately, they will all be gone in an hour (max).
These two should charge admission, that should get them back on their feet.
 AI art has its detractors. It's too prolific, lacking in individual identity, can't fit humans' together, physically or psychologically, and hasn't a clue how eyes look or work (the most important part of human identity by a mile). It's incapable of seeing a complete image as a human sees it, but has to be told that half a train does not exist in the real world. At one point, it didn't even differentiate human backs from their fronts. Worst of all, it's totally sexless, it's programmed to be so thanks to our pathetic, lowest common denominator, corporate driven society (the only plus point for Mr Musk, although I'm increasingly convinced he has his own brand of censorship lurking in his muddy depths). AI can only produce something vaguely sexy if instructed, and cascading cum is not sexy, sorry! However, it is capable of turning out some beautiful imagery at chocolate box, schmaltz level and occasionally, very occasionally it comes up with something totally original and wacky that makes a jolly good picture, sexy or otherwise.

Roman AI is one of those surfing the internet wave, and he has produced some interesting images (many of which look a lot like other producer's images). But never mind, this listing isn't an award for being better or totally original, but just having been in the right place with the right stuff to catch my eye. To be fair, he does introduce a degree of individuality by varying his style, but it's what he asks his AI engine to illustrate that qualifies him for a mention here.
More at RomanAI

1 comment:

speedoric said...

All three domes are renaissance types, ie sitting a drum, a sort of round tower. Romans didnt build such structures, but rather low domes on massive bases