To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 31 October 2024

A New Life for an Old Lag

 New inmates at the mitchmen penitentiary get a thorough medical check on arrival.
Just to make sure they will fit in with the existing arrangements.

 Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Over the Top (or under?)

 Maybe it's best to finish this embarrassing situation in the dressing rooms.
What's left of them!

You never know what will get thrown up when AI gets off the leash,
but it knows how I think, note the positioning of the steam!
I'm into rugby but these backsides could be gracing any sport.

Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Life At the Shallow End - Targeted

One of life's dilemmas:
If you are caught wandering the streets in your swimming costume,
Is it better to be interviewed by Police for the prank?
or to be referred to the medical team for analysis?
The shallow end or the deep end?


Produced by Mitchell using the 'Playground' AI engine
click on the labels below for related posts at mitchmen blog

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Art by Gyaku Xryona

Gyaku Xryona - Licking Ancient Armpits 

This artist specialises picking out the erotic moments and contacts created during close combat, both accidental and deliberate. This is one of the best depictions of armpit licking humiliation I have seen, bringing out the intimacy and conscious effort required by the defeated man to comply with his forfeit for being defeated. The integration of the two separate characters into a cohesive image of intimacy like this is not easy in any art style, AI is the just latest medium to regularly fail this test, but this photoshopped(?) image is convincing where it matters. 

Gyaku Xryona - Loser Punishment

The victim is, of course, the indefatigable Chris Redfield, whose bulging biceps and military cut are a never-ending source of pleasure for us and now, a new master. His enthusiastic compliance with the humiliation here seems to have even surprised his opponent. Chris has gone off-piste to challenge a none-too-jolly, green giant summoned from the legends of antiquity. I suppose his green skin does suggest some sort of bio-hazard credentials, but how they come to be fighting over the survival of mankind in an wrestling empty arena is more elusive.

Gyaku Xryona - Breaking Some Backs

Chis is put through the mincer here by a different opponent, Miguel, who has a more conventional (and more attractive) appearance. The fiery inferno seen in the background suggests a suitably post-apocalyptic setting, the world going up in flames unnoticed by the protagonists.

The back-breaker holds are one of wrestling's special gifts to homoerotic sadism. However, in real life this 'Rack' variant is often disappointing visually. That's partly because of humans innate flexibility and partly because the tormentor's own shoulders limit his scope for 'bending' his opponent. This picture works by defying those physical realities and showing Chis in an off-the-shoulder, elevated position where he can be subjected to more extreme stress. Although it's technically imperfect, it's highly effective.

Gyaku Xryona - Dry Them For Good

A surprising number of these contests end like this, so you have to wonder about Chris. The victor's instruction shown in the title seems incapable of fulfilment, even by the most avid of sweat consumers, but Chris goes for it energetically. Even in front of an audience witnessing his humiliating demise, he literally embraces his opponent with those mighty arms. But is this seductive move really a cunning distraction, rather than a weak submission? 

Gyaku Xryona - Jobber Lloyd Armstrong

This artist is not obsessed with Chris to the exclusion of all else. Lloyd Armstrong is not a real wrestler as far as I know but if he got onto the ring in his underpants like this I'd turn out to watch him. It bestows a sense of vulnerability on him from the start, as if he's just been accosted on his way to work, stripped of his suit and ordered into the ring without so much as a by-your-leave. His eyes tell the story.

Underpants like this are usually flimsy and rapidly lose their attractive tightness in any sort of encounter but these look nicely snug. The white seam design goes back to the 60's at least and the introduction of coloured panels was much ridiculed in those buttoned-up times. This modern version benefits from the fashionable grey colour and narrower seams compared with the older prototypes.

Gyaku Xryona - Jobber Hottest

The unfortunate jobber finds himself in spectacular back-breaking hold over his opponent's folded legs. The erotic vulnerability induced in this arching position is enhanced by the victim's thrown-back head and an inviting bulge in his underpants which seem to be filling out nicely. In theory the stress on his back can be increased by the holder raising his knees (if he is strong enough). As with the shoulder rack though, the width of the two legs infuriatingly limits the victim's bendability.

Gyaku Xryona - Jobber Hottest Torture

A back-breaker round the back of the head seems to be one answer to the 'fulcrum width' problem, although the artist is bending reality again, as well as the poor jobber, by presenting him in this super-alluring helplessness. In his story, this is a point of submission but I have doctored out the 'flash' bearing that information to improve the image itself.

(More sexy Y-fronts at mitchmen)

Gyaku Xryona - Cage v Redfield 01

Chris Redfield looks very young in this image and very shocked by the archetypal, low blow from 'Johnny Cage'. The depiction of his agonised expression and muscular physique can't be faulted. The red hued sky behind provides an ominous backdrop.

Gyaku Xryona - Cheating - Breaking

The characterisations of these two wrestlers is equally attractive with Dante's muscular back sparing his blushes as he gets the same sucker's punch from Johnny Cage, this time between the legs from behind.


Gyaku Xryona - Neck Crank 02

Dante, like Chis, is a perennial loser in Gyaku Xryona's fight universe. The terrifying 'Madruk' puts him in a devastating neck crank here. Another convincing integration of the two men produces a marvellous impression of Dante's helplessness and a great view of his back.

Gyaku Xryona - Crack

  A great impression of a back-breaker drop onto the knee, with the superhero's contorted body and agonised expression telling us how much it hurts. The gruesome embellishment of the title is hardly needed. Superman's arched body and sexy, kit design makes an equally compelling statement. 

It actually looks as if he is bouncing off the knee of his oversized opponent at this point on his way to the canvas. That knee is high enough off the ground to have severely limited his ability to break the fall with his feet. An Aquarium supplies another novel, picturesque venue.

Gyaku Xryona - Dragon Sleeper 02

Another Superhero meets his match, with the helpless indignity of the bent-back neck hold being augmented by the humiliation of a face wash inside a sweaty armpit. This hold can be made a lot more stressful, but the hero's awkwardly braced legs make this preliminary position very embarrassing for him. His suit offers up a sexy, tempting target.

Gyaku Xryona - Head Scissors With A Sexy View

In this variant the embarrassed victim is engulfed by his opponent's crotch in a similar, off-balance position that's very difficult to escape from. He's probably too preoccupied by what's under his nose (balls!) to appreciate that his tormentor is not a monstrous giant but a very good-looking man. In some respects that's worse, but that's what makes this image special.

Gyaku Xryona - Naughty Chris

Chris reflects on another arousing day at the arena.

This artist doesn't do explicit images, not quite! For those who love the fight scenario, though, there's ample stimulation. In this age of AI over-perfection, it's remarkable how compelling these much simpler images can still be.

More in Part 2


Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Milking Factory 19 - Ain Postolos

Ain Postolos - 'Bred For The Finest Milk'

I hear Ain Postolos is setting up in the Milking Factory business, with a retro advertising slogan promising top quality milk. Judging by the press release image (above) he's going for a low tech operation compared with other establishments we've visited in this series. That'll keep his start-up costs low of course and artisan milk, produced the old fashioned way, has come into vogue recently. Factory conditions look a mite crowded but he reckons that keeping the men in close contact promotes production. 

It looks like he's assembled a formidable herd of studs anyway with a wide range of breeds seen in this image. The blend should produce a fascinating flavour experience with the blond supplying the cream on the top.

He calls his product 'Moonlight Milk' and it looks like he's taken that connection to heart in the production process. The full moon is known to influence men's moods, but if it's a necessary element of the production process, output will be limited to one night a month. What a night though, if the men are locked in chastity for the rest of the time! No 2 in the line-up seems to bear out that 'liberation' theory. Those anal stim-plugs surely won't be needed!  

The wags in this office reckon the name means his milkers are moonlighting from from their regular jobs, but it's hard to imagine this lot being allowed to just clock off and go home at the end of their 'night shifting'.

This is Milking Factor 19, view Milking Factor 20 (link pending)

Click on the 'Milking Factory' label below 
for all other posts on the subject at mitchmen blog

or the 'milking' label for all posts with milking imagery.

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Hussar Entrance Exam

Hussar Entrance Exam

 It's hard to get into the elite Royale Hussars Regiment.
Applicants must show an aptitude for spending hours jogging in the saddle.
Plus blind obedience to orders, of course.


Based on an image from Royale Studio's storyette 'The Stolen Motorcycle'
which I have started to post at the Royale Gallery.
The original story is rather different to this interpretation!

Friday, 18 October 2024

Beautifully Bound


Placed in a stressed position,
the swimmer bent submissively towards his captor,
displaying amazing shoulder muscles

from Russcapturedboys

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Cybertied - Captured Footballers, AFB & Rugby

This is a fabulous animation of an earlier rugby capture image by cybertied. Videos of men struggling in bondage (endlessly and aimlessly) are ten a penny. This is just a brief moment, showing the man resisting as he is being tied up - a pivotal moment that is a lot more exciting.

Another previously posted image given a new lease of life. The sinister captor gripping his newly subdued acquisition looks a real pro but we can't tell if his shiny, skin-tight kit is simply the mark of a highly trained, hired abductor or an indication of the dark experiences he himself has in mind for this athletic and robust sportsman.

This is imagery and a sport which I haven't featured before at mitchmen blog. The armoured packaging7 and laced up crotches of American Footballers don't have the same appeal to me as Rugger players simpler gear, but it's easy to see the appeal to guys who have grown up in that culture. 

I certainly dig the appeal of this image, the backwards arching restraint resembling the wrestling surfboard with the grunting invoked by pressure on the back and bunching of the buttocks adding to the pleasure of tying up a sporting hunk. The victim gazes upwards as if his resistance is broken and he is resigned to his fate. His humiliation is watched by a team mate, unable or unwilling to intervene, but not looking away.

Imagery by Cybertied who is now producing lots of these videoettes 
of increasing length and sophistication 

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Red all round

 Jockstraps on big men are just so tempting!

I love the mysterious downward tugging of the coaches T-shirt!
Evidence of another element of the humbled jock's punishment?
This man obviously enjoys his job to the hilt.

Image adapted by mitchmen from an unknown cartoonist's original (below)
Take your pick!

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Bareass Blogs No 82

 Bareass Bug Protection.
Well, we all have to do our bit!

 Go to Bareass No 83 (link pending)

Well done if you spotted 83-85 were published out of sequence, I scheduled my holiday posts in a bit of a rush and this was the easiest way to get the intervals I wanted between posts. 

For all Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Bareass Blogs No 84

Bareass Beach Bum

Compare with 'Washed Up' a few posts back.

Go to Bareass No 85 (link pending)

For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Monday, 7 October 2024

Bareass Blogs No 83

Bareass Blower Fun
(furtive fluffing of follicles)

For all Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Friday, 4 October 2024

Arrested Athletes


Once word began to leak out on social media about sightings of rugby players being tied up in muddy sports fields and abducted, it wasn't too long before a student posted images of himself being tied up in swimwear and marched off by a Policeman in front of his classmates. It went viral and soon everyone was doing it and posting pictures of themselves being arrested in skimpy sportswear.

Then do-gooders started doing it for charity and advertising where the fake abduction would take place. Until there came a strange report that Charity officials who went to such an event expecting to pick up the cash proceeds found that no-one was there waiting for them. The money was sitting on the bench but the fundraiser had disappeared. Police said they'd not been involved and advised Instagrammers to give up the practice.  

That warning had the usual effect, i.e. next to none. Numbers of missing fund-raisers have now topped three figures. However, it's not all bad news, random kidnapping of joggers has declined.


 Cybertied is now producing mini- videos of his sexy tie-up imagery, go see!

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Tribute to Stan of Sweden - 2

One of the great fetish fads of the sixties was for putting muscle men in skimpy, tight, white, gym shorts. Scott of London was a memorably, sexy exponent of the genre whilst Royale Studio had a claim to be pioneers of the trend with storyettes like 'The Football Ballet' in 1957 and a number of stunning 'Sporting Hunks

Bo Johansson by Stan of Sweden

Stan was late joining this party but this contribution to the genre was typically stylish and restrained.
 Bo Johansson is seen here in a different, far from boyish light. In this rear view his shorts look satisfyingly snug, but not unnaturally tight. Their neat new appearance makes an attractive package. The subtly notched leg hem is a true connoisseur's touch.

Patrick Berglund by Stan of Sweden

Patrick Bergland's handsome, classical body-builder pose contrasts with well-worn gym shorts which hint at the hard work needed to produce such a stunning physique and the earthy qualities of the man within. The low waist, slung below the hips, halfway to his groin, trades in practicality for something sexier. The tucked-up legs accentuate the models thigh's and create radiating crease lines outlining his balls, lifted and divided by the centre seam. A surprisingly daring image for Stan.

Hartell Jukka by Stan of Sweden

 The turned-down waist and tucked in legs of this model's shorts create briefer proportions that leave no doubt about the erotic intent. Typically, Stan captures a nervous glance to one side, as if he is embarrassed to be seen making such a daring display of himself. His relatively ordinary, slightly boyish face somehow makes it seem out of character. He leans back against a reassuring pillar in contrived nonchalance, perhaps not realising quite how much his groin is pushed forwards.

Stan has shaped the model's tackle here more in the style of Scott, it's prominent but less explicit in shape (at first sight). The tight centre seam has been pulled right up into the model's groin pushing the dangling assembly to one side where the shadowed outline of his cock can be made out, curving down in front of his balls.

Sture by Stan of Sweden

Stan has also cajoled this model into a forward-thrusting pose, with hands clasped behind leaving no hiding place, not even a prop to hang on to. There's an endearing look of uncertainty in his face, a nervous smile struggling to overcome his embarrassment and the loneliness of standing naked and provocative before the camera. 

His shorts look as if they might be the same ones Bo Johansson was wearing in the first picture. The cut is already brief enough to discomfort any man accustomed to pants that hang from his waist (as was the norm back then). They are pulled high at the sides, defensively, but the waistline still dips low enough to expose a sizeable tuft of pubic hair. The bulk of the model's tackle is even more anonymous here, but the bulging shapes either side of the centre seam and straining crease lines indicate a substantial presence. A curious haze hints at even naughtier details higher up, deemed not fit for publication.  

Billy by Stan of Sweden

Stan has used the same formula here although Billy's incredible 'cut' musculature makes an extremely effective distraction from matters of sensuality. His facial expression can best be described as wary and challenging, confident of his own attractiveness, but less sure about what the photographer is doing with it. 

This image departs from the white, gym shorts formula, reflecting instead the emergence of bolder male fashions in the sixties which even reached into men's swimwear. Mmmm. These belted shorts emphasised the new, daring low waisted style, offering manly reassurance of protection from marauders and support in an emergency.

The forward thrust of the model here seems much more confident, so Stan's fiddling down below comes as something of a surprise. The tucked-up legs don't quite quite fit the glamourous, aloof aura and the massive frontal bulge seems at variance with the impression of boyish innocence. It invokes feelings of doubt and scepticism battling with optimistic desire in the viewer. A bit too perfect perhaps.

Lennart Svensson by Stan of Sweden

Stan picks up another theme of the 50's/60's, taking a leaf out of John Barrington's book with this image of Lennart Svensson wading in the sea in his jeans. It's probably chilly Baltic waters, hence the model's discomforted look, but the scenario is an admiring echo of Barrington's studies of the young men of the Cote d'Azure, like his images of Yves Grangeat, shot for Royale Studio