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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Lottery Luck

Every man who entered the swimming gala at the Tuffluk County Fair this year
was given a free pair of swim trunks with a lottery number on the front.

The Star Prize was to be a new home and income for life.

The draw was made about 5pm and it was No 7 that came up

hunks in trunks imprisoned

The prize turned out to be a place in the National Labour Programme.

5 years guaranteed work, board and lodging all included.

Brace Yourselves Boys!

Afterwards, sitting in the transport to the Labour Aggregation Center, the shackled boys compared notes and found that they all had had flings in the past with Susie Jones, the girl who had been handing out the 'free lottery trunks' at the County Fair. Flings that had all ended in acrimony after she found out about them two-timing her. It looked like they all had 5 years to think about that mistake.


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