To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Classic Homoerotic Images 5

famous gay pride sci-fi  image, muscles, bulging pouch, domination, riding a beast

 If you were an 'out' gay man in the 1980's you could not have failed to know this image, 
It seemed to occupy the back cover of every single gay magazine.

The homoerotic element is obvious - a man with muscles, ripped clothes and a prominent pouch. But the portrayal of him straddling and controlling a wild beast was no less potent. The ad was obviously suggesting wonderful men and wild times were to be had at the baths, but even to non-bathers the association of this sort of power and assertiveness with being gay seemed immensely new and empowering. 

The faceless, grey men trying to stop the rider seemed to epitomise the idea of gays breaking free from the secrecy, negativity and contempt which most of them had endured for their whole lives. 
Gay men, it said, are different, we are strong and beautiful, and we will free ourselves.

No one was to know that within months a different sort of beast, HIV, was to rampage through these same baths, cruelly curtailing that joyous freedom. It would briefly reinvigorate the homophobes but ultimately brought gays together more than ever to claim our rights and place in society. 

The ad uses the Boris Vallejo picture 'Mysterious Rider' (1978), without alteration as far as I know. 
The clone-y moustache was a perfect fit for the era.

Read more about New St Marks Baths 
Opened in 1979, it was closed down for 'health reasons' in 1985

for other Classic Homoerotic Images and other mitchmen posts with a 'Pride' theme
click on the labels at the foot of this post. 

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Royale Studio Models - Peter George 1, in PT Shorts

A few posts back we saw Peter George playing a down-trodden gymnast, repeatedly spanked in Royale Studio's 'Airman's Gym Training'. His first solo shoot had a similar athletic theme.

tight white shorts with bulging crotch
Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) Catalogue Image

His debut set at Royale Studio (ca May 1959) was labelled (somewhat confusingly) as 3-PUN.
It featured poses in very revealing, tight, white gym shorts with a military belt. 

I don't have full thumbnail sheets for any of Peter's solo sets for Royale, only the representative thumbnails in the Royale master catalogue sheets, and the descriptions provided (like that below). The key differentiator seems to be the clothing worn, so I have assigned the photos I have to sets based on that. In the case of 3-PUN it's those sticky shorts. 

The catalogue description for 3-PUN provides a fair amount of seemingly real, personal detail implying that Peter was serving in the armed forces at the time of the shoot. Royale's catalogue did not specify which branch of the services he was in, but an article in Trim Magazine No 15 (1960) and others described him as an RAF Corporal (reference pages in archive folder). The image below appeared in Man Alive No 5 (June 1959)

Tight shorts bulge airman
Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 01 RAF PT Instructor Kit

At the claimed age of 21 he would have been past the age of compulsory National Service and serving as a professional airman, Peter George was probably not his real name but these images and the other information that was supplied about him would have sufficed to identify him and in all probability end his military career, so I'm inclined to think he was really an ex-serviceman when he posed for Royale. As it happens this particular set didn't seem to appear in the beefcake magazines until a few years later.

Peter's PT Instructor persona and fitness was also showcased in the notable, spanking-rich, Royale set, 'Airman's Gym Training' (Royale Studio 05 in the mitchmen archive). 

Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 02

This nice introductory picture highlights the model's upper body musculature and thighs as well as his smile and erotic credentials in a relaxed, natural pose.

(Picture taken from a 'Hussar' retrospective, published in Grecian Guild Studio Quarterly No 22, in late1967. Hussar was a studio name also used by Royale, almost interchangeably it seems, I've not yet discovered how they were differentiated, if at all). 

Interestingly the 'PUN' label for this set does not seem to follow the usual practice of naming sets by using the model's initials. Perhaps it relates to another name that was later replaced by Peter George. 

Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 03

This squatting pose was (and is still) widely used for sportsmen, notably for team photos and it is automatically seen as 'manly'. Footballers tend to place one hand on the ground to steady themselves in this pose, concealing their assets. Peter's ability to balance on his toes here without bending forwards is evidence of his fitness and hands us a much clearer view of his crotch bulge than is normally the case. The cap-sleeved tee-shirt and plain shorts are highly plausible, real world, PTI kit (not usually worn this tight of course). 

JC Leyendecker - Harvard Rower

 Peter George had boyish looks and a tall, lean, physique that was muscular but perfectly balanced. With his wavy hair and penetrating eyes, he might have just stepped out of the world of Leyendecker.
He was an enormously popular model for a period in the 60's.

Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 04

This standard, gym, stretching exercise (with Peter not quite touching his toes!) 
produces an erotic display which would have horrified conservative viewers.
The tight T-shirt also shows up nicely here.

Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 05

This party trick, further evidence of Peter's flexibility, would have been even more distasteful. 
I have seen young women performing this 'crab' exercise and even walking in this fashion, 
but I'm not sure it was ever OK for men to do it, even in looser clothes than Peter is wearing. 
The erotic intent is all too clear from the viewing angle.

bending over in tight white gym shorts vest and belt as if for spanking or anal
Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 06

This leg stretching exercise produces a less explicit display,
but it has multiple homoerotic undertones all its own. 
I imagine there's a variant of the pose in this set taken from behind, but I don't have it. 
You can see one however in the 'Airman's Gym Training' set, image 12

gymnast, tight white shorts + belt exercising
Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 07

This fragment from a magazine spread shows the upright position of a similar stretching exercise.
And it's not just limbs that are being stretched in this picture.
Imagine the temptation if you were the class supervisor.

tight shorts showing ass crack
Peter George (in Royale Studio set 3-PUN) 08

In this picture Peter isn't wearing the military belt but he has the same shoes as the other 3-PUN pictures, so I have included it in this group. His shorts show a remarkably tight fit between the buttocks, showing astonishing shaping.

This image was on the back cover of Man Alive No 4 (April 1959), there's a 'clean' version (without text) in the mitchmen archive folder for this set (link in final part of this series).


Part 2 of this article will cover Peter's other 'PUN' sets for Royale Studio,
his storyettes and other imagery will follow in later instalments

Sunday, 23 October 2022

More Art by Penguin Frontier

In this mitchmen post a further selection of images by PenguinFrontier illustrating hunky heroes with muscular torsos making love and pursuing sexual desire.

Hero seduces his colleague
PenguinFrontier - Biohazard 8 - Chris Redfield + Ethan Winters

This image, inspired by the Biohazard/Resident Evil computer games, shows the redoubtable Chris Redfield seemingly expressing his feelings of desire for Ethan Winters with whom he has what can only be described as a 'complex relationship' in the storyline of the Biohazard series. 

The artist has produced serial variations of this image in various stages of undress, but this is the best of the bunch for me, tantalisingly erotic with a beautifully hunky Chris seemingly frothing with desire for a man who seems to be resigned to it, disinclined to resist but not overly enthusiastic. The naked versions can be found at the links below, but being the same image in essence, they reveal little more by way of explicitness. 

Apron clad nude cook chef nuzzled seduced by a hunk
PenguinFrontier - Overwatch - Gabriel Reyes v Jack Morrison 1

This image shows a similar encounter between two of the central characters of 'Overwatch' (you can also see them flirting in the mitchmen post entitled Strip Poker by Krabat). Jack is open about being gay in the series, one of the first games heroes to have this positive distinction. The apron he's wearing, with nothing underneath apparently, is a classic seduction device so it's hard to understand why he looks so surprised, to be nudged from behind by Gabriel, his commander. 

Gabriel isn't declared to be gay by the game authors and I suppose he might be expected to show more appropriate behaviour being a senior officer. His Latin ancestry, which was also seen as ground-breaking for a major character at the time, adds spice to this tete a tete (although perhaps that's hardly the right expression).

Again, for me, this semi-clothed conjunction is much sexier than the naked iterations of the image (one of which is reproduced below). Gabriel's hand shown sliding under the apron is very erotic.

penetrated cock erection
PenguinFrontier - Overwatch - Gabriel Reyes v Jack Morrison 2

Apart from equipping Jack with a splendid cock, the naked variant tells us little more. 
Sex is only truly erotic when it shows a human interaction, not just the mechanics.

Collared man sniffing underwear
PenguinFrontier - Pleasure of Domination

This image is notable for its depiction of the dominant hunk's body and sagging underwear. I haven't been able to identify a background story for this image, but I can't say that fairy-like pointy ears, even as a mutation, do a lot for me. He lookss a little too boyish and for my money bondage collars, like jockstraps, look best on men - preferably big men like the military type shown teasing him. 

That said, there's a decent sense of forced submission here with the military clothing underlining the idea of conquest. The somewhat tacky underwear brand also gives the soldier a touch of swagger. The depiction of his admirer indulging in savouring the essences of man, marks him as a true aficionado.

Leon Kennedy helps rescue half-naked Chris who shows his affection gratitutude
PenguinFrontier - Resident Evil, Leon + Chris Redfield

 Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield belong to different organisations in the Resident Evil story but this shows them in a highly suggestive combination. It looks as if Leon has just rescued a very sweaty Chris from a terrible fate, and Chis is showing his gratitude in a very affectionate way.
Leon just looks embarrassed. What's wrong with these people? 

PenguinFrontier - A Twisted Affection 

This startling image pits an Anglo-Saxon hunk against one of those lean, sharp-featured characters of ambiguous gender so beloved of Asian artists who dabble with the fantastic. There's also an artful scattering of supplementary imagery redolent of femininity, time and space. It seems to suggest an encounter, an attraction that transcends normal boundaries. 

The background looks like a (somewhat organic) surge of water suggestive of powerful emotional and sexual release. 

I haven't been able to unravel the artist's references at pixiv (tagged Maithiso Loki So), but it seems to add up a siren of sorts luring the hero to his death. 


PenguinFactory is easy to find via search engines, but I've listed two galleries below

PenguinFrontier on pixiv

Small selection on Penguin Frontier on Deviant Art 

Saturday, 22 October 2022

PenguinFrontier - Slum Sex Savage

PenguinFrontier - Slum Sex Savage 

 Another frame from Penguin Frontier's Post-Apocalyptic 'Capsule' story, called 'Slum Dog Savage'. It's a rather tasteful exploration of bondage sex and a startlingly effective use of the simplest of restraints. 

In the story this is a brothel scene intended illustrating how the poor earn a crust in the Capsule, so you can theorise about how consensual this is, in real life many would give their eye teeth to sample being at the centre of this circle of rich boys.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Milk Outlets by Penguin Frontier


PenguinFrontier - Slum Sex Savage 07 Business

An earlier picture in the mitchmen Milking Factory series - Milk Outlets by Catrache - envisaged a street kiosk where a captive hunk could be induced to dispense his milk by thirsty customers who passed by. This picture by PenguinFrontier  depicts a more organised solution that also cuts out the factory middleman - a bar where customers can choose which man they want from a menu and drink his produce straight from the tap. 

This frame is taken from a post-apocalypse story where the survivors have been evacuated to 'The Capsule' an artificial satellite which orbits the unhabitable earth. There the largely male inhabitants create a new society with different mores to the old world.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Bareass Blogs No 63


Bareass Bunkmate

I always think jockstraps look best on big men
but the snug T-shirt this man is wearing looks even better
Oozing with Man-ness
plus a nice neck to nuzzle

(uncaptioned version of image is below)

Go to Bareass No 64


For other mitchmen bareass blogs, click on the label at the foot of the post 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Bareass Blogs No 62

Bareass Bulls-Eye 

Best to get the rules right when you make a bet in a bar.


Buns and sharp pointy objects go together like peaches and cream

(Peachy asses and cum cream that is)

Go to Bareass No 63 


For other mitchmen bareass blogs, click on the label at the foot of the post 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Monday, 17 October 2022

Bareass Blogs No 61


Bareassed Bushwhacking

Some people think bushwhacking is an adventure sport

We know better, don't we boys? The clue's in the name.

Photo of Chad by Bound Guys

Go to Bareass No 62 


For other mitchmen bareass blogs, click on the label at the foot of the post 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Friday, 14 October 2022

Milking Parlour by Muscle Destroyer and Jakarta (12)

I've dubbed this amazing animation 'The Milking Parlour', because the spacious layout and comfortable seating arrangements for the participants don't quite convey the sense of industrial scale milking that characterises the other Milking Factory posts.

This animation has the same element of enforced participation with the donating men strapped down and gagged, their plight underlined by the plaintive looks they give to the stranger who accidentally stumbles on them at the facility which seems to be in a secret corner of a large office building. He looks as if he would make a highly suitable addition to the team himself but is understandably spooked.

'Muscle Destroyer' has also reworked this material into a great GIF


!! Many thanks to the readers who identified this clip for me (see comments below) !!

more MuscleDestroyer at Deviant Art
I haven't found a link to more animations by 'Jakarta'.
(reader info welcome)


This is Milking Factory 12, 

For other 'milking' scenarios, click on the label at the foot of this post.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Captured Warrior in the Snow


A wonderful image of a defeated warrior.

Humiliatingly stripped naked and tied up,
he is forced to kneel in the cold snow
while his captor decides his fate.
I found this on Twitter @Tigger.kks but it seems to have disappeared since
Update:See comment below for link to them

Saturday, 8 October 2022

Jack's Strip Poker Humiliation

A mitchmen blog caption special continuing the Strip Poker theme of last December.



















This fantasy was adapted by mitchmen from cfnm's story 'Jack Cheshire and the Pizza Delivery Boy' 
Lots of pix at Scally Guy (NB these galleries may move to a later page in the future)

Other posts in the mitchmen 'Strip Poker' series can be found via the label below
A search on 'poker' using the mitchmen search options (top right) will bring up more

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Oztangles Retrospective 4

The gay art of Oztangles
Read this mitchmen series from Part 1


man in gym is fucked in front of mirror
Oztangles - All Together

2015 seems to have been a quiet year for Oztangles art, this gym buddies series being the most interesting work. Sex in gyms seems to be a favoured subject for him but explicit images like this are relatively rare in Oztangles's work. It's a straightforward subject in erotic terms but but the mirror splattering effect (almost impossible to capture in a photograph) is a neat twist. 

This picture features some nice chunky physiques. 


Oztangles - Asana

This striking pose featuring another 'chunky' makes a great picture and despite it's academic style and spiritual undertones is unashamedly erotic. Asana is the general term for a yoga pose and that influence is seen in other pictures in this period, in fact the companion piece to gym buddies (featured just above) shows both men striking a similar pose alongside each other to create an arty double-vision effect.

Oztangles - The New Gym Manager

The artist revisited that gym sex idea in more detail in 2016, using the same setting. He produced a 6 piece series which shows a provocatively-dressed Shawn being seduced (?) by the hunky new gym manager, Phil. 

Oz's interest in unusual, erotic clothing is familiar to us now but it seems slightly naive of Shawn to wear this skimpy outfit to the gym and then look surprised when it prompts the first man who sees it to start undressing. It seems as though that Phil's hyper-masculine appearance is overwhelming him, like a dream come true. Oz has gone out of his way here to create two men who stand at almost opposite extremes of the gay spectrum of sex appeal in almost every respect and it's a surprising pairing. 

Oztangles - Going Down On Shawn

Shawn's shocked surprise continues (somewhat improbably) as Phil gets down to work. 
Another chunky physique, despite his athletic occupation.

Oztangles - Pumping Shawn*

Shawn ends up shooting the mirror just like his predecessor in 2015, but this is a more refined version of that image. The change of angle and inclusion of an embracing arm succeeds in bringing out that these men are experiencing deep sensual pleasure from coupling their bodies, not just slaking their lust.

*I've sanitised the pungent wording of the original title, but that's not to minimise the genuine lustfulness of this series.

Oztangles - Chastity Scoreboard

Earlier images in this series which featured chastity cages seemed focussed simply on crude control but this is a more thoughtful study. It uses simple symbolism to develop the subject of extended chastity. 

The clock obviously shows the passage of time. Typically, Oz chooses an impressive, antique type, perhaps intending to draw on the idea of Victorian values such as discipline, obedience and devotion to a partner. The scoreboard presumably records the number of days this man has gone without discharging his feelings (although a cynic might see it as a count of how many times he has serviced his partner without getting any similar reward himself).

You may have seen diaries of men recording their experience of wearing chastity devices for an prolonged period. It's a way of showing loyalty to a partner, I suppose, but a bit weird if not reciprocated. I suspect the practice is not so much a lifestyle choice, as an exotic form of edging.


Oztangles - The Milking Shed

I published this picture previously at mitchmen in 2020 as part of the milking factory series but make no apology for repeating it here. It the sort of arresting, composite drama that Oz is very good at but adds to his portfolio only occasionally. 

He's populated this one with an attractive range of men, all fitted with extraction tubes. The most prolific producer (right) isn't fully visible but his sexy body provides ample interest. The others watch warily as the overseer approaches with a device to stimulate production from one of the laggards. He's the most mature of the group above so it's understandable if his production capability isn't what it used to be. The nipple clips have obviously failed to do the trick so it looks like the foreman is about to try the carrot. If that doesn't work, I suppose the stick will be next.

Oztangles - Wet Nightmare

This image draws on a similar, forced milking scenario and uses the same visual construct for the mature, principal character, who we now see is sitting in another of Oztangle's sci-fi restraint frames, this one disguised as hi-tech, deck chair. 

From this angle we can see that his ejaculate is being extracted into 5 separate collection vessels but we can only guess what they represent. Perhaps it's quality is being sifted by the extraction device (which appears to be impressively powered by nuclear fuel!). My guess is that the tubes reveal his declining production over successive periods of time, hence the need to provide stimulation.

If this is a production facility, it's a more private one with a cold, more clinical atmosphere but the harness-clad operative has clearly commandeered this man for his own pleasure as much as anything else. His method for stimulating production - an electro-wand - is crueler and much more intimidating than the dildo in the preceding picture. The victim's curled toes suggest that just the sight of it has already had an encouraging effect.

Oztangles - Vampire Prince

The subject of milking is explored further with this image which has the look of another nightmare with it's victim chained to a cold, sacrificial block planted in the middle of a vast, arid, featureless plain. He looks like a fairly ordinary guy with his ginger mop and smattering of chest hair, although I suppose his endowment is exceptional. He is being molested by a rather cute vampire to the accompaniment of dramatic lightning bolts and flanked by blazing torches which add a mystical, semi-religious air to the proceedings.

The simplicity of the setting contrasts with the finely-detailed sets of other images in this period but it does create the sense of a nightmare where things are sensed rather than seen and there's a feeling of detachment from the real world.


Oztangles - Think You Can Take This?

2018 Seems to have been a quiet period for the artist as this is one of only two pictures by him which I have seen, the other being a beefcake pose of the leotard-clad 'rough trade' in the image above. Apart from his sexy characterisation and the intricately detailed (but slightly puzzling) setting, it's a relatively straightforward sexual encounter between a boastful top and a passer by who looks as if he might be a lot less experienced. The challenging words put into the top's mouth by the title represent the sort of sexually-aggressive situation that Ulf often simulates but it's not really my cup of tea. His seated position and 'come and get me' outfit don't quite chime with those forceful words.   


Oztangles - Alien Nightmare

This image might easily form the basis for an entry in the mitchmen 'Milking Factory' series but it doesn't seem as if mass production is what these elegant, highly-stylised aliens have in mind. Mass assessment clearly is however and they have built an expensive facility of, effectively, niche-like cages where men can be detained humanely and their plumbing examined. Imprisoned comrades are obliged to look on while one of their number is singled out for milking, not such a terrible fate you might think.

Oztangles - Fallen Angel

This image revives two successful Oz themes from earlier years.

Firstly the cellar like dungeon where captives are restrained to await the attentions of a master who is seen descending the steps to deal with them. This atmospheric setting was previously seen in 2009's 'Downstairs it's Playtime' (in mitchmen Oztangles retrospective Part 1).

Secondly, the character 'Angel' who was last seen running amok in a weight training gym in 'Bench Press' and other related images from that same year. Now he seems to have met his match and is obliged to await the inevitable in a humiliating and highly uncomfortable pose. It offers an erotic sight to the top that has already prompted a reaction from him and his smile perhaps reflects knowledge of Angel's romantic exploits in earlier times, maybe even a personal interest in taming him. 

Quite what caused Oz to revisit these ideas 10 years later is unknown, perhaps this was an unfinished project, but if so it's completion adds a significant entry to his portfolio. 

We have come to expect 'fashion statements' from Oz in his pictures - witness the sweeping alien garments in the preceding image - and he duly obliges here by equipping the top with gold boots.

Oztangles - The Night Clerk

This picture has a slightly unfinished feel which may account for the absence of a logo. The hotel room depicted is seedy to the point of dilapidation so the appearance of the Night Clerk at the door, knowingly dressed in ragged, denim? shorts and lured (mesmerised almost!) by the promise of cash from a chubby guest is not overly surprising. It's not a common subject for a gay artist though (in contrast to last years Rough Trade, alley sex image).

The client's appearance here is a logical development of the chunky physiques 0f 2015-6 above and it's not altogether unattractive and certainly not devoid of erotic interest, but it makes a dramatic contrast with the steely, 'cut', musculature of the God-like gigolo in the doorway. That difference in appearance and age tends to be a chasm in real life, one that can usually only be bridged by money, so there's a measure of social comment here 

Unexpectedly, there's a picture on the wall which satirises the old masters and the publicity stills of early, glamorous Hollywood stars. It's canted angle perhaps suggests that this sordid scene is the fate in store for even the most desirable sex objects as age asserts itself.

The Oztangles retrospective at mitchmen blog concludes in Part 5.

You can read the previous Oztangles articles at mitchmen from Part 1