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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Classic Homoerotic Images 5

famous gay pride sci-fi  image, muscles, bulging pouch, domination, riding a beast

 If you were an 'out' gay man in the 1980's you could not have failed to know this image, 
It seemed to occupy the back cover of every single gay magazine.

The homoerotic element is obvious - a man with muscles, ripped clothes and a prominent pouch. But the portrayal of him straddling and controlling a wild beast was no less potent. The ad was obviously suggesting wonderful men and wild times were to be had at the baths, but even to non-bathers the association of this sort of power and assertiveness with being gay seemed immensely new and empowering. 

The faceless, grey men trying to stop the rider seemed to epitomise the idea of gays breaking free from the secrecy, negativity and contempt which most of them had endured for their whole lives. 
Gay men, it said, are different, we are strong and beautiful, and we will free ourselves.

No one was to know that within months a different sort of beast, HIV, was to rampage through these same baths, cruelly curtailing that joyous freedom. It would briefly reinvigorate the homophobes but ultimately brought gays together more than ever to claim our rights and place in society. 

The ad uses the Boris Vallejo picture 'Mysterious Rider' (1978), without alteration as far as I know. 
The clone-y moustache was a perfect fit for the era.

Read more about New St Marks Baths 
Opened in 1979, it was closed down for 'health reasons' in 1985

for other Classic Homoerotic Images and other mitchmen posts with a 'Pride' theme
click on the labels at the foot of this post. 

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