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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 8 July 2022

Mitchell's Fisherman

Mitchell - Fishermen's Tale
The mitchmen take on angling hooks has many elements in common with Etienne and Tom's but I can't remember if I was aware of those images when I drew it. It was largely inspired by the pose of the subject which is more overtly homoerotic than the 1950/60's artists. It's based if I remember correctly on imagery from 'Inside The Big Apple' publication or around that 80's era of Phil Flasche etc. 

There's a humiliation ingredient shared with Etienne's take but a different pun in the title I gave it, which indicates a slightly different, more melancholy strand of thought along the lines of 'the one that got away' - or the one didn't even exist in the first place!

For more art by Mitchell at mitchmen click on the mitchpix label below 

I previously published this image in 2007 but this is a new, better copy if you are a collector.


Anonymous said...

What a great drawing; amusing, erotic and smutty all in one. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I love the gratuitous smallness of his garment. Like he had felt safe wearing so little while swimming on the assumption that no fishing was allowed in the area so he would probably be alone, only to find that some probably fully clothed angler has snagged him perhaps deliberately and with a good strong pull may reel in the last of his dignity and render him totally buck naked.

Mitchell said...

The waders seem to indicate he's a man at work, perhaps on some ecologically worthy task, like counting the fish. Denied the chance to take the fish, who could blame the angler for going after an alternative catch?