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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

101 Uses For A Belt - No 3, Manly Modesty

Ledermeister - Cowboy series (Colt Studio)

This cowboy (like Matt in No 2 of this mitchmen series) also uses his belt buckle as cover for his tackle, but it doesn't seem like a deliberate attempt to tease. Rather, his face seems full of anxiety and resentment. It's as if he's just been forcibly stripped by the bunkhouse bullies and now has only his belt available as he tries to recover his dignity.

In a mitchmen-esque scenario his tormentors might well have left his pants hanging from a tall, prickly cactus or tossed them onto a rock in cold river. They might easily have been ripped to rags during the struggle to remove them, perhaps it was the sight of his flesh showing through holes worn in his buttock that provoked them to attack in the first place. Who knows what other indignities he may have suffered before they left him alone? He's seems almost tearful here.

This cowboy's massive muscularity and mature, square-jawed, 'Desperate Dan' face makes his humiliation seem all the more surprising and sexy. You can't help but notice that the buckle, though emphatically man-sized, still seems less than adequate for this important task. The shadows spare his blushes. Unfortunately the rest of the belt, dangling from his groin like a snake, only draws attention to the size issue and that slight bewilderment in his expression might reflect that he's just detected a revival of interest from his tormentors who have just spotted this unwitting suggestiveness.


This photo illustrates how Matt Scheiermeier's seductive use of the belt buckle as a veil over his tackle, in No 2 of this mitchmen series, has an honoured antecedant in this Colt Studio classic series of 'Ledermeister' posing in cowboy gear. Although this model, aka Paul Gerrior, styled himself as 'Leather Master' he's probably better known for these Cowboy images which feature other interesting uses for a belt. This is the only one of the group in which he is naked and it's been touched up to make it decent enough for publication. It's still pretty racy though! Presumably an undoctored version exists but I have yet to find it.

For others in this series at mitchmen, click on the 'belts' label below  

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