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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Suspension punishment

 This shibari suspension scene is spectacular, but also something of a mystery. 
Presumably it's a punishment but the reason for it and the back story is unknown.
The captive himself should be terrified to be stripped and tied up like this
Indeed the sweat is seen dripping from every part of his body.
But his libido seems to have been stimulated and is responding accordingly

The characters painted on the captive's legs may clarify what is going on here, 
but I can't even identify the language (is it Korean?)
This being Asia, I think we can assume that the fetishistic rationale here
has to do with public exposure, shaming, embarrassment and humiliation 
and likely to relate to a sexual offence of some description.

The captive is restrained crucifixion style, arms tied to a metal bar behind his shoulders
while his ankles, slightly parted, are tethered to a similar bar at his feet.
His torso is enmeshed in a complex shibari rope harness, which is secured to a third bar
running vertically behind his back and connecting with the other two
The whole restraint frame is suspended by single rope from the chain link fence
This dangerous arrangement is mitigated (slightly) by some secondary arm suspension. 

There's a second version of the picture in which a banner has been added.
It hangs from his harness, weighted down by a dumbell. 
No doubt it clarifies his misdemeanour and I think I see a Japanese character,
but the addition of a sheath and fluid collector just adds to the puzzle

This alteration may have been done by someone else of course 
but it's a fairly proficient edit if it is.

I believe the artist of this suspension scene is Kenta, 
it originated on pixiv but I don't think it's there any longer 
 I'd be glad to hear if you know who it is or what the story is.

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